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Hi! All nice people :D I have read thrue the forum and come across some books yes but Are they anymore or do the already mentioned book cover the most ( All) please i will learn as mutch as possible anymore book tips ? tell mer here or send a PM. Best Regards John

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Re: Books Books I feel with a good reputation (I haven't read them all - so not a personal recommendation): Harrington on Hold'em Vol I and II Winning Low Limit Holdem by Lee Jones The Theory of Poker by David Sklansky Hold'em Poker for Advance Players by David Sklansky and Mason Malmuth Online Ace by Scott Fischman interests me, but haven't heard too much about it yet...... Super System has a good reputation, however I don't like it and feel it can be damaging to beginners.

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Re: Books Hiya, John. Its good to see you back here. :ok Mate please believe me when I say the best way to learn isn't to read, but to play. If you play in freerolls, or even watch a table during the PL league games, then you will get a better understanding of what to do (or not, if you watch me). Most books really are only helpful once you have got past the novice stage. However, Poker For Dummies (don't let the title put you off) would be a good starting point, and then maybe the ones suggested yesterday by Gotafancy? and Guesswest.

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Re: Books Hi! Valiant 23 and all it is good to be back:loon after some trying to bet succesfully on my own and failing im back to try on poker instead. Usually i prefer to watch or to talk to learn instead of books but i have tryed to watch some games but i cant make it up i cant find some order in it some raise on everything some never show there hands i also have some problems finding order to what they raise or call on according to their position at the table for example i meat i guy yesterday he raised on almost everything he claimed he got the strategy from tournaments. At the table with higher stakes most of the game are settled before the flop or at the flop so you seldom se the hands. Believe me im dying to learn how to play poker for real and become good at it. :nana Best Regards John

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Re: Books Right John, Download Blue Square poker. Go through the registration process and enrol for the Bankroll Booster. Its a freeroll. Only play these hands; This is on page 7 of the poker novice questions thread, along with some good advice from Gaf and others. I read that thread from start to finish, and for a long time I kept going back to it.

AKs-10s' date= KQs-10s, QJs and Ax (call only a minimum raise-depending on blinds). If you hit the flop you will have a minimum of a reasonably strong pair, and if you're lucky you could be 1 card away (drawing) from either a straight, flush or even royal. Then you decide yourself how for you want to go, and how much you want to pay to stay in the pot. Kx, Qx, J10s, minimum call only (limp) and fold to any raise. If you hit on the flop play as above, but if not do not pay to go any further unless you are drawing to an open straight, and even then consider the cost. This is not ideal, but will help you discipline yourself, and eventually you'll start to lose faith in those Ax and Kx hands which hit only rarely, because even if you flop an A to give you a pair your kicker will lose you a lot of pots, even if you take some.
I doubt that you'll win anything doing this, but it should help you as a start. Then its up to you to develop your own style. When you start to do that, you will also see what mistakes you make, and thats when the strategy books will be useful, and that is only to pick bits out of them to add to how you play.
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Re: Books

i agree with mr V I myself have not read any books and seem to be doing ok U cant beat experience so get hitting them freeroll tourneys
Well, I certainly agree that nobody could ever become a good player just by reading books: experience is essential. Fenner's a far better player than me, and is proof that it's possible to become a very good player without reading books. But I think there is definitely a role for reading. I actually suspect that players like me without exceptional natural talent probably get more from books: they get you thinking about things that the "naturals" probably pick up quickly from playing.
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Re: Books

Have registrated now but cant find the freerolls maybe it have not started yet or somthing ? Best Regards John
Go to "Tables" and then "Multi Tourney" and look for "$200 Bankroll Booster Freeroll" starting at 18.45 GMT (= 19.45 BST) every (?) day. Tonight's is showing there now.
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Re: Books Don't worry about the real money, it will encourage you to deposit, but you can just ignore it. By creating a 'real money' account you just have to provide extra information such as your home address. One thing John, if I remember correctly you aren't english are you? There are some sites that have players from certain countries banned. I don't think this will apply to you with Blue Square, but its just a warning in case you have future problems. You should play as much as possible really, but if you will only be able to play for a short time then thats fine too. :ok

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Re: Books

Ok ity say that i must make a real money account first when i click at register howdo is work is it binding registation how long time will it take etc can i sit out and come back ? Best Regards John
Whilst you are sitting out, you will continue to pay your blinds in turn - so your chip stack will dwindle whilst you are sat out.......
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Re: Books Ok but that is good in a way because otherwise everybody would have waiten out ok the last person on the table wins 200$ ? and i need only to show up at 18.45 for now i have registrated is there anything else to think over ? is there a special room i go to later at 18.45 or what happens? Forgive me my newbee questions. Best Regards John

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Re: Books John - if you have the software open and are logged in, then the table will open automatically at the start. Suggest you spend a few minutes on the play money tables now to get a feel for how the software works :ok

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Re: Books How did you get on in the free-roll then? You Pmd me before and I recommended Poker for Dummies and Harrington on Holdem. From what I read of your comments, Online Poker by Doyle Brunson would also be a good bet, it explains the software etc for a complete beginner.

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Re: Books Ok Ok at first i got in with A Q s i think the flop come and it was Q and some small card one got in the hole bank 900 somthing it was just him and me and i called he had J J and i won ok ok i got about 3400 or somthing now i waited for somthing good did watied looooooooooong time did not got any and the blinds was raising to 100/ 200 i felt like iwas eaten alive ok so i had Q 10 S and got in with 3 others the flop come Q K and 7 i think it was i rasied to 200 one folded another one called so i raised again 200 the other one go all in 9000 or somthing i thout he was bluffing so i called he got 2 pairs 10 and K so i lost it all and got on place 192. the learning hhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm dont ever think someone is bluffing maybe hmmmm and when you got somthing be agressive or the blinds will eat u alive. Best Regards John

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Re: Books John.... Try spacing things out mate please!! :lol :lol :lol Right, the next time you play you have to do better than 192nd okay!? That is how you can measure what you do. Also by just sticking to those hands you will learn patience. Todays lesson is maybe less aggression when there is a higher card on the flop. Other than that, you haven't done badly at all!! Well done. :ok

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Re: Books You are to kind it is basic and common sense to not do the mistakes i did first i betted on the second best card the Q when there was i K also on the table. My second mistake was that i did not see the hole picture a man with a bank of 9000 is not a bad or a lucky bluffer player he most certanly is a good player and i underestimated him. Best Regards John

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Re: Books

My second mistake was that i did not see the hole picture a man with a bank of 9000 is not a bad or a lucky bluffer player he most certanly is a good player and i underestimated him.
Not necessarily true ......... people who get big stacks early in a tournament are generally aggressive players who will play more (lower quality) hands - ESPECIALLY in a freeroll - you will get Muppet v Muppet early on - one will go out - one will double up!!!!!
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