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New(?) Problem with SO/BM?


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I don't know if anyone has noticed when they play STT's that before the upgrade you were awarded your prize money when you finished playing, so if you came 3rd in a $5 STT your $10 was there in your balance as soon as you went to the lobby. Since the upgrade, however, I noticed that when you finish 3rd you have to wait until the Heads Up has finished before you are credited. The problem is I've just finished 3rd, and even when the table had finished, I still did not get credited with my winnings. I had to log out and back in before it showed, and I have suspected that I haven't been credited before. Just keep an eye out for discrepancies such as this. :unsure

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Re: New(?) Problem with SO/BM? Playing the freeroll on SO the other day I won just over a $, leaving my balance as $1.47. There were no $1.10 games anywhere near ready to play, so I went to the betting site to have the lot on Mexico last night. But my balance showed as zero instead of about 80p. Sent an email to them asking why this was and they asked me to confrim my poker nickname. I sent my nickname and PIN. They responded by saying that, to settle the problem, they would credit my account with £5 so that I could have a bet. So I now have £5 in my SO betting account. Now I realise that I in fact have 2 SO accounts and only one on which I play poker and this was NOT the one that I went to to place the bet on!!! So now I feel guilty that I have ripped them off for a fiver, but it was a genuine mistake on my part...:cow HONESTLY.:cow

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Re: New(?) Problem with SO/BM? Yup, I noticed this problem last night Valiant. Finished 3rd and no $10 credited - even after the table had finished. I logged out and in again - even rebooted the PC - nothing :( I contacted live support who confirmed that the $10 that should have been credited hadn't - but said that it can take up to 24 hours to credit :loon They couldn't do anything other than suggest I wait 24hours. In the event the cash did go in about 30 minutes later - but can't say I'm impressed. Definitely something to keep an eye on in future.

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Re: New(?) Problem with SO/BM?

Playing the freeroll on SO the other day I won just over a $, leaving my balance as $1.47. There were no $1.10 games anywhere near ready to play, so I went to the betting site to have the lot on Mexico last night. But my balance showed as zero instead of about 80p. Sent an email to them asking why this was and they asked me to confrim my poker nickname. I sent my nickname and PIN. They responded by saying that, to settle the problem, they would credit my account with £5 so that I could have a bet. So I now have £5 in my SO betting account. Now I realise that I in fact have 2 SO accounts and only one on which I play poker and this was NOT the one that I went to to place the bet on!!! So now I feel guilty that I have ripped them off for a fiver, but it was a genuine mistake on my part...:cow HONESTLY.:cow
Dodger maybe it's that you were running poker lobby and then you turned on SO betting site - in this case you have your money shown only on one of them, while second is 0. At least it looks like that in my case.
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Re: New(?) Problem with SO/BM?

Yup, I noticed this problem last night Valiant. Finished 3rd and no $10 credited - even after the table had finished. I logged out and in again - even rebooted the PC - nothing :( I contacted live support who confirmed that the $10 that should have been credited hadn't - but said that it can take up to 24 hours to credit :loon They couldn't do anything other than suggest I wait 24hours. In the event the cash did go in about 30 minutes later - but can't say I'm impressed. Definitely something to keep an eye on in future.
Quite frankly thats ridiculous!!! :\ Maybe we should contact customer 'support' and ask them to enter us in a tourney and they can wait 24hrs for the entrance fee? Thanks Milou, btw. I thought I was going mad... (another topic entirely)
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Re: New(?) Problem with SO/BM? I haven't noticed this am going through my results to check Thanks for bringing this up Damo EDIT: was $162 and a bit short on the poker site according to my speadsheet - have re-input everything (world cup and horse bets) and now I am $35.52 in credit on the poker site?? This is the problem with having the betting account and poker account in one with Sporting - I wish they would give you a transaction summary for the poker account, it would make life easier and its NOT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!

. Since the upgrade, however, I noticed that when you finish 3rd you have to wait until the Heads Up has finished before you are credited. Just keep an eye out for discrepancies such as this. :unsure
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Re: New(?) Problem with SO/BM? There is the same problem with the MTT's. I have had to wait upto 30 mins after the MTT finished to get my money on all of my cashes since the up-grade, but I have got the money eventually. Never actually not received the money. Shall we go to SO HQ and kick some A$$ to get it back if they don't sort this out. :spank :spank :spank

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Re: New(?) Problem with SO/BM? I thought it was just my imagination!! This has been happening to me too. I don't really keep records, do you think it's possible that livehelp will be able to give me a list of games/results/winnings/running balance?

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Re: New(?) Problem with SO/BM? Perhaps Paul an e-mail explaining that since the new payment system has been implemented you believe that you haven't been paid winnings you feel are due to you, and as such you require from them a full summary of your buy-ins and corresponding wins/losses...

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