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Another poker club raided


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I was thinking of going there this week :sad Daily Record separator.gifNEWS 24 June 2006 EXCLUSIVE: FULL HOUSE 100 cops raid poker club as off-duty officers play cards By Mark Mcgivern

SCOTLAND'S only poker club was raided by 100 police officers as four off-duty cops played at the tables.

The bust at The Cincinnati Club saw thousands of pounds and all the club's cards seized. Cops and officers from the Gambling Commission put individual hands of cards into bags to be used as possible evidence. All the poker chips were counted and seized, leaving the club owners fuming. But no one was charged with any offence - and last night, players described the bust as "farcical". Cops burst into the club during Operation Hold 'Em - named after Texas Hold 'Em poker, the most popular form of the card game.

One player said: "I could hardly believe my eyes.

"There were around 35 players in the club and three times as many policemen. "It was like a scene from old Chicago in the times of Prohibition during the 1920s when the speakeasies were raided by The Untouchables. I was half expecting Eliot Ness to walk up and start asking questions. But there was little chance of Al Capone types being in the club. "Four of the guys playing at the tables were off-duty police officers, who are regulars in the club and wouldn't dream of getting involved in anything dodgy. "They just sat there dumbstruck asking, 'What's going on?' "Everyone reckons it's a huge bungle." The raid took place at 11pm on Wednesday. It's thought the police believed the club were acting illegally in taking a "rake" - a cut from each hand - during games. But top poker star Dave Colclough, a director of The Cincinnati Club, is confident no charges will be brought. He said: "This is a waste of time for the police and a waste of taxpayers' money. "We have a well-run and popular establishment and there is no reason to raid our premises. "When we set up, we spoke to everyone to ensure there would be no problems. "We were advised that setting up as a private members' club would be the best way to go forward initially. "When we obtained our drinks licence we also had to gain the approval of the Gambling Commission, which was no problem. I'm mystified as to what their motivation in this is. "We offer a high-standard venue for poker and attract a very civilised crowd." Despite the raid, police have said the club are free to continue operations. Bosses borrowed cards and chips from other businesses and it was business as usual on Thursday night. Previous events at the club have attracted some of Britain's top poker players. It is a favourite venue for snooker stars John Higgins and Graeme Dott, and Still Game's Greg Hemphill. Up to £100,000 in prize money has changed hands in a single night. A police spokesman said: "We can confirm that Strathclyde officers, acting with inspectors from the Gambling Commission, carried out an operation within premises in Bridge Street, Glasgow. "As a result, gaming machines and equipment was seized in connection with alleged offences under the Gaming Act. "A number of people have been interviewed in connection with the operation but no person has been charged with any offence. Our inquiries are ongoing." http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/news/tm_objectid=17284765%26method=full%26siteid=66633-name_page.html

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Re: Another poker club raided the Gutshot wasn't raided - they just took them to court There was a club in NI that was raided, and the police had to give everything back...... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Damo

I don't know how it turned out ............... i just remember that the Gutshot club was raided
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Re: Another poker club raided

The last I had of the Gutshot being taken to court was last October. I haven't read or known anything since as to what's happened. It's probably already settled or it's being delayed. :\
There is an article about the Gutshot in this month's Poker Player magazine about opening new 165 seat tournament room, says they are preparing to go to Crown Court to face charges of breaching '68 Gaming Act, so still unresolved.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Another poker club raided here's a wee update on this story. PAIR FACING POKER RAP

TWO men have been charged after a police raid on Scotland's first poker club. About 40 officers swooped on the Cincinnati Club, in Glasgow, last Wednesday. Police said two men, aged 32 and 57, were reported to the procurator fiscal in connection with offences under the Gaming Act. The club, in the city's Bridge Street, opened last year. During the raid on June 21, officers seized computer terminals used for gambling. from the Daily Record on Saturday.

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Re: Another poker club raided The club in Northern Ireland was the Cavendish Club. http://www.thecavendishclub.com/ The report on their home page seems uplifting : At the court case on the 16th June the resident magistrate finally heard both sides of the story and decided that all seized equipment should be returned immediately. To avoid all the speculation Sean will be issuing a full report on court proceedings and the current situation regarding the law, as he understands it. This report will be issued on the opening night of the Cavendish, which will certainly be in the very near future. Again thanks to everyone for the sustained support and we look forward to seeing you all soon. but it still seems strange why police would raid other clubs while there is much debate raging on whether poker is legal in the courts. I'm wondering was it because someone made a complaint to police about each place?

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