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Random HH from $109 (again - need help here)


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okay, make a steal raise PF and catch a gutshot str draw hit it on the turn and face a bet Do I shove with the ignorant end of the str? Thoughts most welcome Damo ************************************ Hand #339140692 at table: 5 Player $100 NL Started: Thu Jun 22 <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />15:06:50 2006 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

alvaroadv is at seat 1 with 3005.00 Winmachine is at seat 2 with 2140.00 hero is at seat 3 with 1605.00 Bluff Face is at seat 4 with 3050.00

alvaroadv posts the large blind 200.00

alvaroadv: --, -- Winmachine: --, -- hero: 6c, Ah Bluff Face: --, --


Winmachine: Fold hero: Raise 500.00 Bluff Face: Fold alvaroadv: Call 500.00

Flop (Board: 8h, 10s, 9c):

alvaroadv: Check hero: Check

Turn (Board: 8h, 10s, 9c, 7h):

alvaroadv: Bet 200.00 hero: All in alvaroadv: Call 1105.00


alvaroadv shows: Kc, 7d (a pair of Sevens) hero shows: 6c, Ah (straight to the Ten)

River (Board: 8h, 10s, 9c, 7h, 3s):

Mainpot: hero wins the pot of 3210 with straight to the Ten
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Re: Random HH from $109 (again - need help here) Myself I am always very wary when I catch a lower str8. I think I'm paralysed by the fear that any villain has the other end. Personally I'd have called the 200 and made a minimum raise on the river, but I think this demonstrates the difference between 5 and 10 seat STT's.

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Re: Random HH from $109 (again - need help here) If I min raise I am left with 505, and the blinds are 100/200, and then what do I do if he shoves? fold?, the min raise is prolly a worse play (to me) than shoving my made hand. and again, put yourself in his shoes, I have raised PF and he called, if he has hit top str would he bet?, why not let me represent AJ KJ etc and then call/check-raise - I know what I would do, let the villian have a pop at the the turn first I dunno, maybe I am way off here, but most people slowplay their made hands rather than betting them. And yes I agree, at a ten player table I would be wary of the J, and then again I wouldn't be making a steal move with A6 either :) plus he only has a 4 in 52 chance of having a J, if he has good luck to him Damo :cheers ps you can't be worried about top str when you are short stacked - best get your chips in and hope he has 2 pr :hope :eek

Myself I am always very wary when I catch a lower str8. I think I'm paralysed by the fear that any villain has the other end. Personally I'd have called the 200 and made a minimum raise on the river, but I think this demonstrates the difference between 5 and 10 seat STT's.
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Re: Random HH from $109 (again - need help here) Your pretty short stacked considering theres only 4 left in the hand (The blinds are coming round much faster). He checked on the flop and made a min bet on the turn, he's either slow playing a made hand or just as likely trying to steal. In a situation like this you push, he'll fold if he's nothing. If he has a J then your destined to loose money on this hand regardless, he's likely to push on the river since you're fairly committed at that point if you just call.

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Re: Random HH from $109 (again - need help here) thats fine - easy done and McG is spot on with his thoughts Anyway what I did is in the first post at the bottom - just hi-light the text to see Cheers Damo

Apologies Damo... must pay attention to the blinds! :lol :lol
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