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One of those runs!! The last 6 STT's I've played I've finished 3rd once (bad beat - would have been clear chip leader) and 4 4th's and a 9th. Tonight, 4 left, clear clear chip leader. Dealt AA - all in - one caller QK. Lose it. Still chip leader though. AK all in a couple of hands later - called by JQ. Lose it. Now level with the field. In BB with K9 - the small blind goes all in with K8 - great call. 8 on the river. Last hand - pot odds mean I have to call with 8 9. Up against 4 6. Lose it. Lucky the window was closed, or the laptop would have gone through it.

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Re: Aaaaggghhhh!! I know what you mean.. Mansion my cards 10-9 guy b4 me raises to 400, I call guy next to me also calls. Flop 9-10-A Guy to left of me bets checks also the next one checks, turn is a 10 Now the guy to left bets 400 the other guy does a call i go allin they both call guy to left pocket ACES guy after him Q-10 River a Q how do we both feel:wall :wall :puke :puke

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