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F.A.O Mr V in the morning


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Sorry didnt win it :sad . Got 4th for $41 :D Made a move with JJ got called by trummy AK she hit K on turn that left me 30k and tried to nick blinds with A4 ran into KK :\ no A on board. Still i'm happy with the $41 :D screenhunter16sl.jpg Thanks for the support Mr V and Brael :clap :clap :clap

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Re: F.A.O Mr V in the morning Well played red... NUTT! :lol Lot of effort for little reward but the Mansion games are excellent to play in. That's 2 on the trot now where I've made the cash. I'd never have stuck it out for the 4.5 hours you where there for! :clap EDIT - schoolboy grammar error!

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Re: F.A.O Mr V in the morning Thanks guys. Got to say i also love the games on Mansion , Profit from there £130 so far. Mr V i got 1 cup all night from him..tight arse git!!! He made sure he had a couple of cans of tennents lager to keep him going though. I shall have to sack him. :spank

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Re: F.A.O Mr V in the morning When I saw the heading I thought Punters Lounge's Posh and Becks had been falling out. :loon Expected to see the following : - Your tea's in the oven! :spank What time do you call this? :spank Do you never use your phone? :spank The spare bed's made up! :spank Very glad I was mistaken though!! :ok TQM p.s. - well done Rednutt :clap

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