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Poker Night Live Hand Analysis - Hands 14 - 17


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Hand 14: ** Game ID 824685304 starting - 2006-06-10 21:12:37 ** Poker Night Live:Table 3 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (20.00|40.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - suineGrekoPA sitting in seat 1 with $1670.00 - JadedJ sitting in seat 2 with $1540.00 [Dealer] - delee_sere sitting in seat 3 with $2990.00 - adeslet sitting in seat 4 with $4450.00 - Everbrite sitting in seat 5 with $1370.00 - NuffSed2 sitting in seat 7 with $1620.00 - stevie_d sitting in seat 8 with $2830.00 delee_sere posted the small blind - $10.00 adeslet posted the big blind - $20.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: 8 of Diamonds, 6 of Spades Everbrite folded NuffSed2 raised - $40.00 stevie_d folded suineGrekoPA folded JadedJ folded delee_sere folded adeslet called - $40.00 ** Dealing the flop: 2 of Hearts, 4 of Spades, 9 of Hearts adeslet checked NuffSed2 checked ** Dealing the turn: 3 of Hearts adeslet bet - $20.00 NuffSed2 raised - $120.00 adeslet called - $120.00 ** Dealing the river: 10 of Hearts adeslet bet - $20.00 NuffSed2 called - $20.00 adeslet shows: 7 of Clubs, 6 of Hearts NuffSed2 mucks: adeslet wins $370.00 from the main pot End of game 824685304 Is it me, or is Adeslet's call on the turn AWFUL? Amazed he stayed in preflop even with 3 to 1 pot odds with 76o. [---------------------------------------------------------------------] Hand 15: ** Game ID 824686299 starting - 2006-06-10 21:13:09 ** Poker Night Live:Table 3 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (20.00|40.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - suineGrekoPA sitting in seat 1 with $1670.00 - JadedJ sitting in seat 2 with $1540.00 - delee_sere sitting in seat 3 with $2990.00 [Dealer] - adeslet sitting in seat 4 with $4650.00 - Everbrite sitting in seat 5 with $1350.00 - NuffSed2 sitting in seat 7 with $1440.00 - stevie_d sitting in seat 8 with $2830.00 adeslet posted the small blind - $10.00 Everbrite posted the big blind - $20.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: 6 of Spades, 8 of Clubs NuffSed2 folded stevie_d raised - $80.00 suineGrekoPA folded JadedJ folded delee_sere folded adeslet called - $80.00 Everbrite folded ** Dealing the flop: Ace of Spades, 5 of Clubs, Ace of Diamonds adeslet bet - $20.00 stevie_d raised - $120.00 adeslet folded stevie_d mucks: stevie_d wins $320.00 from the main pot End of game 824686299 Okay, Adeslet is looking pretty loose to me. [---------------------------------------------------------------------] Hand 16: ** Game ID 824686806 starting - 2006-06-10 21:13:41 ** Poker Night Live:Table 3 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (30.00|60.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - suineGrekoPA sitting in seat 1 with $1670.00 - JadedJ sitting in seat 2 with $1540.00 - delee_sere sitting in seat 3 with $2990.00 - adeslet sitting in seat 4 with $4560.00 [Dealer] - Everbrite sitting in seat 5 with $1335.00 - NuffSed2 sitting in seat 7 with $1410.00 - stevie_d sitting in seat 8 with $2950.00 Everbrite posted the small blind - $15.00 NuffSed2 posted the big blind - $30.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: 9 of Hearts, 8 of Diamonds stevie_d folded suineGrekoPA folded JadedJ folded delee_sere raised - $150.00 adeslet called - $150.00 Everbrite folded NuffSed2 folded ** Dealing the flop: 5 of Diamonds, 6 of Hearts, 3 of Hearts delee_sere bet - $330.00 adeslet folded delee_sere mucks: delee_sere wins $675.00 from the main pot End of game 824686806 Adeslet is looking loose to EVERYONE by the looks of things... [---------------------------------------------------------------------] Hand 17: ** Game ID 824687333 starting - 2006-06-10 21:14:45 ** Poker Night Live:Table 3 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (30.00|60.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - suineGrekoPA sitting in seat 1 with $1670.00 - JadedJ sitting in seat 2 with $1540.00 - delee_sere sitting in seat 3 with $3185.00 - adeslet sitting in seat 4 with $4410.00 - Everbrite sitting in seat 5 with $1335.00 [Dealer] - NuffSed2 sitting in seat 7 with $1395.00 - stevie_d sitting in seat 8 with $2920.00 NuffSed2 posted the small blind - $15.00 stevie_d posted the big blind - $30.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: 9 of Hearts, Queen of Hearts suineGrekoPA folded JadedJ raised - $90.00 delee_sere folded adeslet called - $90.00 Everbrite folded NuffSed2 folded stevie_d folded ** Dealing the flop: 2 of Clubs, 7 of Diamonds, 7 of Clubs JadedJ bet - $120.00 adeslet called - $120.00 ** Dealing the turn: Queen of Clubs JadedJ bet - $270.00 adeslet called - $270.00 ** Dealing the river: Queen of Diamonds JadedJ bet - $390.00 adeslet went all-in - $3930.00 JadedJ went all-in - $670.00 adeslet shows: 5 of Hearts, Ace of Clubs JadedJ wins $3125.00 from the main pot End of game 824687333 Okay... thoughts anyone?! Will leave mine for a bit to give everyone a chance to slam my muppetry ;)

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Re: Poker Night Live Hand Analysis - Hands 14 - 17 perfectly played post flop muppet is calling with any 2 coz he has the chips - and is hoping to get lucky and bust people perfect move to shove the river - I mean who would shove with a FH.... :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol Nicely done JJ :clap :clap :clap Damo

Okay... thoughts anyone?! Will leave mine for a bit to give everyone a chance to slam my muppetry ;)
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Re: Poker Night Live Hand Analysis - Hands 14 - 17

perfectly played post flop muppet is calling with any 2 coz he has the chips - and is hoping to get lucky and bust people perfect move to shove the river - I mean who would shove with a FH.... :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol Nicely done JJ :clap :clap :clap Damo
I agree with you about the muppet. I think Jaded's pre-flop raise must have meant he thought he was up against another A-rag, so when the board paired twice he was obviously confident that it would finish as a splitpot (2pairs with A kicker).
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