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PL Multi-Game Challenge, Pot Limit Omaha Wednesday at 8pm


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Okay, new adventure for me as I play a bit of Omaha Hi/Lo but have barely ever touched the normal game... usual buy-in and password, PM me if you need it. Hope to see lots of us there, am enjoying the challenge so far :)

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Re: PL Multi-Game Challenge, Pot Limit Omaha Wednesday at 8pm I'll be there as long as everyone else is - thanks Val! If I'm late start without me and I'll steal someone's chips til I catch up, will go and sit down now :)

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Re: PL Multi-Game Challenge, Pot Limit Omaha Wednesday at 8pm A question please to those that know... The hand that I went out on (I'll manufacture the details); I had 2 suits, and 9 8 6 A. The flop was 9 8 6 (or the relevant bit was anyway). Tfallbb I think had flopped the flush and put me all in. Am I right in thinking that because I had 2xeach pair I made the right call, even though I lost, or was it crap by me? :unsure

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Re: PL Multi-Game Challenge, Pot Limit Omaha Wednesday at 8pm Managed to close this before writing down the result From what I remember... 1. Me 2. Tfalbb 3. Sara 4. 6ooner 5. Slap 6. Val 7. Rosie Can anyone else confirm? Val, not sure about your call but don't profess to be anything near an expert! Flops like that worry me because you've got two pair 9's and 8's, as the 6's are counterfeited. Anyone with T's, J's, Q's, K's or A's just needs board to pair, but more importantly IMO, anyone with 7T has the straight, and anyone with a 7 has an open-ended straight - and in Omaha I find it a LOT harder to work out possible holdings than in Texas. But as I said, I'm as clueless as you are really!

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Re: PL Multi-Game Challenge, Pot Limit Omaha Wednesday at 8pm I think it's unlikely you'll win unless you get a full house. Even with three pairs you only have 6 cards that give you a full house out of 45 unseen cards, so you only have slightly more than a one in four chance.

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Re: PL Multi-Game Challenge, Pot Limit Omaha Wednesday at 8pm It wasn't on the flop I hit nut flush, it was on the turn. So you had 6 outs with one card to come. Not something you really want to call an all in bet on. Had you had pocket 9s, 8s or 6s or whatever the other card was giving you 10 outs, then you would have had a reasonable coin flip. Even so, do you want to take that chance in a tourney, knowing (or at least being fairly sure) that you are facing a made hand? You would have had 600 chips left with blinds at about 50 or so at the time, so you would have had better fish to fry later in my opinion. Haha, Sara's just told me the air was blue in her house when I pushed there. She had a made straight, and had I not had the flush she was on her way to the airport, en route to tie some dangly bits very tightly around my throat. :eek:eek:eek:rollin:lol

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