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Poker Night Live Hand Analysis - Hands 1 - 3


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Off down the pub so will post a few and see if there's any replies by the time I get back... (Look, a chance to see inside my twisted mind - isn't this what you've all been waiting for?! :rollin ) No notes on anyone at the start of the game, btw. [---------------------------------------------------------------------] HAND 1: ** Game ID 824675061 starting - 2006-06-10 21:01:42 ** Poker Night Live:Table 3 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (20.00|40.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - suineGrekoPA sitting in seat 1 with $1500.00 - JadedJ sitting in seat 2 with $1500.00 - delee_sere sitting in seat 3 with $1500.00 - adeslet sitting in seat 4 with $1500.00 [Dealer] - Everbrite sitting in seat 5 with $1490.00 - Mr_Echo sitting in seat 6 with $1480.00 - NuffSed2 sitting in seat 7 with $1500.00 - stevie_d sitting in seat 8 with $1500.00 Everbrite posted the small blind - $10.00 Mr_Echo posted the big blind - $20.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: 4 of Clubs, 6 of Hearts NuffSed2 folded stevie_d raised - $60.00 suineGrekoPA folded JadedJ folded delee_sere folded adeslet folded Everbrite folded Mr_Echo folded stevie_d mucks: stevie_d wins $90.00 from the main pot End of game 824675061 Okay, 46o is an easy fold even for ME. [---------------------------------------------------------------------] HAND 2: ** Game ID 824675782 starting - 2006-06-10 21:03:00 ** Poker Night Live:Table 3 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (20.00|40.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - suineGrekoPA sitting in seat 1 with $1500.00 - JadedJ sitting in seat 2 with $1500.00 - delee_sere sitting in seat 3 with $1500.00 - adeslet sitting in seat 4 with $1500.00 [sitting out] - Everbrite sitting in seat 5 with $1490.00 [Dealer] - Mr_Echo sitting in seat 6 with $1470.00 - NuffSed2 sitting in seat 7 with $1480.00 - stevie_d sitting in seat 8 with $1530.00 Mr_Echo posted the small blind - $10.00 NuffSed2 posted the big blind - $20.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: 6 of Hearts, 10 of Hearts stevie_d folded suineGrekoPA folded JadedJ folded delee_sere folded adeslet folded Everbrite called - $20.00 Mr_Echo called - $20.00 NuffSed2 checked ** Dealing the flop: 10 of Spades, Ace of Spades, Ace of Clubs Mr_Echo checked NuffSed2 checked Everbrite bet - $60.00 Mr_Echo folded NuffSed2 raised - $240.00 Everbrite folded NuffSed2 mucks: NuffSed2 wins $360.00 from the main pot End of game 824675782 Again, easy fold. [---------------------------------------------------------------------] ** Game ID 824676872 starting - 2006-06-10 21:03:33 ** Poker Night Live:Table 3 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (20.00|40.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - suineGrekoPA sitting in seat 1 with $1500.00 - JadedJ sitting in seat 2 with $1500.00 - delee_sere sitting in seat 3 with $1500.00 - adeslet sitting in seat 4 with $1500.00 [sitting out] - Everbrite sitting in seat 5 with $1410.00 - Mr_Echo sitting in seat 6 with $1460.00 [Dealer] - NuffSed2 sitting in seat 7 with $1590.00 - stevie_d sitting in seat 8 with $1510.00 NuffSed2 posted the small blind - $10.00 stevie_d posted the big blind - $20.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: King of Hearts, Jack of Diamonds suineGrekoPA folded JadedJ raised - $60.00 delee_sere folded adeslet folded Everbrite folded Mr_Echo folded NuffSed2 folded stevie_d called - $60.00 ** Dealing the flop: Ace of Clubs, 4 of Hearts, 3 of Diamonds stevie_d checked JadedJ bet - $80.00 stevie_d folded JadedJ mucks: King of Hearts, Jack of Diamonds JadedJ wins $210.00 from the main pot End of game 824676872 Okay, folding 3 in a row is against pretty much everything I believe in, so I *had* to play this one! Thankfully KJo is the type of hand I'd raise with anyway. (I'm sure I differ from many players here, but they don't call me a muppet on this show for nothing :lol ) 3 x BB is my standard raise most of the time whether I have something or I'm bluffing, just to make it harder for people to figure out what I'm doing. After the flop, I'm obviously behind to pairs, Ax, and KQ. Probe bet to find out where I am, and I take it he's playing 2 high cards with no ace, or possibly suited connectors given he was in the blind, so he lays them down.

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Re: Poker Night Live Hand Analysis - Hands 1 - 3 Jaded, 2 folds on the trot!! :loon :loon :loon As you stated, easy to put down the first two hands - I like the raise on the KJ and a good bet after the flop. :ok Text book stuff mate!! :clap I look forward to more hands - I've a feeling they could be interesting! :eek I'm off to the pub now as well. :cheers TQM

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Re: Poker Night Live Hand Analysis - Hands 1 - 3 KJ off in EP is just the sort of hand I want to see early on so that I can fold it and wait for the next hand...... :D re 'betting the flop to find out where I am' - lets be honest you have raised PF and are saying 'I have an Ace so I am making a continuation bet to chase you away'. This is why I dont play KJ early in a tourney in EP, any old muppet calls with any Ace, suprised the other guy folded - if he has played any ace you have just lost 140 chips (assuming no more betting of course!) - which is nearly 10% of your starting stack. I am all for raising into the pot when first in rather than limping, so I can't fault you for raising with the KJ as you are determined to play this hand. Quick question, you bet the flop and he calls, the turn is a blank, then what? do you fire again or check/fold your hand away. Damo :cheers

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Re: Poker Night Live Hand Analysis - Hands 1 - 3 Fantastic Jaded - I want to see this from you more than anyone else on PL!!! Like Mr V - have grown to respect your play (the results speak for themselves!!) - but would love to understand it better!!

Text book stuff mate!! :clap
Which text book mate? :P Certainly not a "Harrington" play :loon You raise to 4x BB in early position - what's the objective? Do you want callers? Or do you want to take the blinds down? (30 chips :loon) Although as it turns out you have position as you are only called by BB - however 4 of the 6 players to act after you would have position, your expectation should be to play out of position. Nice probe bet following the weakness of your opponent - I never bet less than 50% of the pot (I'm "scared" of showing weakness) and I think it's something I need to learn to do more - it doesn't always take a large bet to get a fold.
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Re: Poker Night Live Hand Analysis - Hands 1 - 3

Answer to Damo's question: I probably assume he has an Ace, so I fold. Well, THEORETICALLY I fold... ;)
Ok - adjusted THEORETICAL hand history....
** Game ID 824676872 starting - 2006-06-10 21:03:33 ** Poker Night Live:Table 3 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (20.00|40.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - suineGrekoPA sitting in seat 1 with $1500.00 - JadedJ sitting in seat 2 with $1500.00 - delee_sere sitting in seat 3 with $1500.00 - adeslet sitting in seat 4 with $1500.00 [sitting out] - Everbrite sitting in seat 5 with $1410.00 - Mr_Echo sitting in seat 6 with $1460.00 [Dealer] - NuffSed2 sitting in seat 7 with $1590.00 - stevie_d sitting in seat 8 with $1510.00 NuffSed2 posted the small blind - $10.00 stevie_d posted the big blind - $20.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: King of Hearts, Jack of Diamonds suineGrekoPA folded JadedJ raised - $60.00 delee_sere folded adeslet folded Everbrite folded Mr_Echo folded NuffSed2 folded stevie_d called - $60.00 ** Dealing the flop: Ace of Clubs, 4 of Hearts, 3 of Diamonds stevie_d checked JadedJ bet - $80.00 stevie_d called - $80.00 ** Dealing the turn: 9 of Spades stevie_d checked JadedJ checked ... End of game 824676872
Am I understanding what you're saying? You would check here on the assumption he has an A? (Not criticising - just trying to understand.....)
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Re: Poker Night Live Hand Analysis - Hands 1 - 3 3 x BB, not 4 x BB GaF? - Prima's hand history show what you raise TO, not what you raise BY (which I think is the opposite of a lot of sites.) The objective is more table image than anything - as you all know, I want to be involved in lots of pots, and I want people to be confused as to whether I have something or am just bluffing. (Which is generally easy, as half the time even *I* don't know whether I have something or I'm just bluffing!) I like to try and take down a few pots early on to build momentum up and see how long it takes for people to stand up to me. Good note about the position, btw, which is one thing I do REALLY fall down on - need to be much more careful about what position I'll be in after the flop. And in relation to the theoretical hand history, yeah, think I'd go for him having an A or pair so being in the lead there, and would check and see what the river brought me.

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Re: Poker Night Live Hand Analysis - Hands 1 - 3 I have a 'way' of playing Jaded which involves........................... actually, I'm really not sure I want to share this, as I think it gives my game a two-folded edge, one that adds to mine, yet at the same time blunts Jaded... This will be interesting to see if my 'theory' holds up. ;) :ok

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Re: Poker Night Live Hand Analysis - Hands 1 - 3

Which text book mate? :P Certainly not a "Harrington" play :loon
Sorry GaF, I forget that you guys do everything by the Harrington Book - I think Jaded and me have quite a bit in common! :lol One of these days I will read a poker book - na, I probably won't have time for that , so I'll just soldier on. :ok TQM :dude p.s. I think you and Mr V would like to see my hand history - maybe one day! :lol
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