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sporting odds down?


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Re: sporting odds down?

errorcode 205 ...same here
Guys, I had that in the past and thats what I always do and it works for me. Untick the box "remember pass", clear your boxes with pass and username and re-write it. Dont tick the box "remeber pass" this time, just do it when you log in next time.
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Re: sporting odds down? i know i go on about it, but why do people continue to play on this site? virgin, poker.co.uk and a couple of others use the same boss media, and the majority of tourneys are boss wide anyway spodds always have probs, and with the cheatin and multi reging it makes it a simple decision for me.....apart from PL league games which i only play to help the forum out

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Re: sporting odds down? I had registered earlier for the 25K satellite last night, I tried to log in shortly before start and had exactly the same problem, gave up trying after a while. For what it's worth I mailed SO this morning and got my $6 credited back into my account no problem. SO claimed the problem was Boss Media but as far as I know the other Boss sites were ok. :ok

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