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Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge


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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge Good luck everyone :hope I'll be watching daniel negreanu when the next pro game starts at 12.10, that should keep me from getting bored and playing silly hands Hope to see one of us qualify :hope :hope :hope

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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge

Good luck everyone - hope you have all had plenty of coffee! :hope I'm hoping to do really well, would make the best birthday present! Would be a great result if someone from here makes it to Vegas tho! Steve.
3 minutes late, but happy birthday steve. :ok :ok :ok
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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge not the best place for this - but has anyone else noticed that if you register for a tournament on mansion and then log off from the software (but remain connected to the internet) your seat at the table appears when the tournament starts so that you can play right from the start ? :unsure

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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge

3 minutes late, but happy birthday steve. :ok :ok :ok
Thanks very much mate. Not going well at all just now tho, getting some of the worst hands , and when I try to bluff I seem to come up against a monster. Hopefully a change of fortune after the break! Good luck to all still in! Steve.
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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge Ahhh ffs gone in 84th.Pocket Q's one caller. Flop 5 3 J.Pot bet for me called.This is where id put him on AJ. turn 8 All in from me. Called with AJ(got one right) River AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.God it was nasty. Gl all who are left in.

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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge Yes - Mansion doesn't close down when you shut it - just "hides" itself (you can see it's still running by looking at the icons next to the clock...) A bit naughty of them imo really..... If you right click on the icon by the clock, you can "exit" it properly......

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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge

Thought a few more PL would have turned up to Cheer.....PL CHAAAAAARGE
Especially as your humour is being wasted on so small an audience :tongue2 but your right...........PL CHAAAAAAAAAAARGE! :nana (UL Oval vwp)
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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge Thanks Guys, I was split between 3 games tonight and didn't give the game my full attention. Finished 21st all in on a coinflip. I'm not dissapointed though as I won the $10 World Cup MTT and knocked out a bounty into the bargain. I won $216 but this could be a lot more depending on Spain's result tomorrow. As I type, The Croc and Jumalix are still in with 11 remaining. Hope I get some good news in the morning. GL Guys.:hope

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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge Well Well where do i start. Had rubbish cards all night. , Trip Q's rivered by a J making his str8 , :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall Out in 17th place GUTTED good luck croc and jumalix(new pler- not posted as yet but sure he will) :hope :hope :hope :hope :hope :hope :hope :hope :hope :hope :hope :hope :hope :hope :hope :hope :hope :hope :hope

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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge out 5th.really gutted.my ak met 10 10,took me down to 20k.then my 99 all in called by chipleaders ace rag he hit his ace.:wall :wall :wall sorry guys really wanted this for myself and pl. thanks for the great support as usual.:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge Well I went in 23rd eventually. Really didn't have any luck with the cards though, dealt crap all night. Unlucky to everyone else, sorry I didn't hang about to cheer you on, it was well past my bedtime! We'll get 'em next time! Steve.

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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge

Basically it is when you act as a team, and either chip dump onto your team-mate, or don't bet into a pot in order to check it down to the river. These things do happen, but as long as there is no 'verbal' (or online I suppose 'written') agreement it is hard to prove. Last night there were 4 on steveadam's table (inc. the short-stack), and 3 on the other (all big stacks). 2 of the 3 on that table agreed to check hands down so that the short stack 'blinded out' (the phrase they used). The worst example was when jdspurs had 23os on BB(?) and flopped the full house, and didn't bet into it. At showdown he typed into the chat-box, "I kept my word" :\ To me that is soft-playing and cheating, and they should be thrown out. Normally when I'm in a tourney and down to the last 2 tables I have the other table open, and had I bubbled last night I would have been livid, but obviously Marie Paris did not see this.:( I'm still tempted to stick my nose in as a test to Mansions customer support, that so far have imo been very good when listening to customer complaints.
One bit of good news from last night, neither of the two cheaters prospered. :D
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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge

One bit of good news from last night' date=' neither of the two cheaters prospered. :D[/quote'] i had the pleasure of relieving one of them of 14k of his 17k chips(he was in 4th at the time)he went out 2 hands later :D
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