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Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge


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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge

Well' date=' its a little late, but Pocket Lady is upstairs playing in this and going well so far....:hope :hope[/quote']And played very well in qualifying. :clap :clap :clap :clap Well played Mrs. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge Well done PocketLady :clap :clap :clap :clap Tried to emulate you in next game and came 7th - bugger :loon :loon never mind .... a seats only valued at about $3000 :cry :cry - get 1st or 2nd place in next one and you've got a seat worth $167,000 I think. Result I think was determined by me going all in with my AT when K2 (low stack) went all in - flop no use - turn a 2! Turned me into low stack .Should have probably just waited longer and not been so aggressive :spank :spank .

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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge For those of you qualified for Sunday's final at 11.30pm, make sure you have a look at the game structure as shown in the Mansion lobby. Deep stacks (5,000 chips) and blind levels extending up to 30 minutes. Looks like an all nighter to me. Get some sleep during the day so you're up for it. Good luck.

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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge Nice one Sam:clap :clap .So thats 3 of us now I take it.If calculations are right i take it the final satellite will be 7x18 players(3 quals a day of 6 people) making 126 players for the 2 prizes on offer.Come on we can bag this as well:ok

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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge Sorry sharpe - didn't realise you were in too - nice one :ok Did I see prize was worth $150,000? times 2 equals $300,000. Divide that by 126 = $2380.95 - might be some PB's to claim here :loon!!!

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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge Good luck next round you 3... A bit gutted myself as last night decided to play this knowing I was going out at 8pm (just fancied a bit of poker)... left my lovely lady wife playing (about 12th position at the time) and crossed my fingers:hope that her luck would hold! Not to be this time so will have to try again... Well played and... Nice one guys :clap :clap:cheers :clap:clap:cheers

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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge

Does it say anywhere when the Vegas trip would be?
To answer my own question, it looks as though the live final is July 12th, so I presume the qualifiers would go to Vegas sometime around 5th/6th July. I couldn't go then even if I qualified, but good luck to all who try, and well done to all who've already made the online final on Sunday.
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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge

18th I think
The online final is June 18th, but if you Google "mansion superstar challenge" you find press releases that say the live tournament is on July 12th. Unless they've changed it? If it were July 18th, then I could go, and I'd give some of the qualifiers a go.
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