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Am I the only one....????


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... to feel this way?? :unsure I don't know what's going on... but I can't seem to find the excitement anymore...:( I love to play the PL league games... but that's a social thing... and I like to play the Champions League... just to see if it is possible to do it again :wall I am not enjoying myself playing anymore :sad :sad :sad ...this has been going on for some time now... I only play PL league games and CL... and I normally played a lot more... :unsure After playing live games in UK, I find that a lot more enjoyable... but it wasn't supposed to kill my Online extra income :cry :cry :cry What to do???? :unsure :unsure

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Re: Am I the only one....???? Yeah, I don't know, you might be right... I almost haven't played any online poker the past few weeks... but I maybe need to quit it all together for a while :unsure But on the other hand... I am going to play in the Scottish Championships 1st and 2nd of July... will have to stay fit for that...

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Re: Am I the only one....????

... to feel this way?? :unsure I don't know what's going on... but I can't seem to find the excitement anymore...:( I love to play the PL league games... but that's a social thing... and I like to play the Champions League... just to see if it is possible to do it again :wall I am not enjoying myself playing anymore :sad :sad :sad ...this has been going on for some time now... I only play PL league games and CL... and I normally played a lot more... :unsure After playing live games in UK, I find that a lot more enjoyable... but it wasn't supposed to kill my Online extra income :cry :cry :cry What to do???? :unsure :unsure
I had EXACTLY the same feelings, which I posted about, over the weekend Pene. You know what?? Masterplan is right up to a point BUT! a chat with Mr V on MSN did me the world of good in putting it perspective. Maybe an outsiders sympathetic ear and some banter/abuse:loon may get you revved up again :hope Stick a pin in your MSN Poker contact list and have a whinge :lol Worked for me :ok C.R.
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Re: Am I the only one....???? exactly what i was gonna say mick, try learning omaha hi lo and play it for micro stakes, you'll find it a much more exciting game to learn and play and if your going through the same thing i did (got bored of online holdem but loved playing live) it will eventually give you a bigger income online than hold em ever did and also renew your interest in online hold em again!!

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Re: Am I the only one....???? Its 2 in the morning and too hot to sleep ... my body clock is somewhat on student or vampire time at the moment .... stay up all night and doze during the day ..... just done the hoovering (bit the bullet and bought a new Dyson - I never knew my carpets were so full of dust :D ) ... had a shower still feel wide awake ... so time for a bit of rambling..... Only just caught up with this one .... you are not the only one Pene ..... maybe pokers a bit like drugs or alcohol (not that I'd know) where after a while you develop a tolerance to the effect and need more and more to get the same high. Also its Summer .... theres more going on in the outside world. Playing (too much) Poker in the summer probably extends the SAD (seasonal affective disorder) tendency .. and since you Scandanavians have long dark Winters you need all the sun you can get about now possibly. I found exactly the same effect with me - a few weeks off travelling with absolutely no poker seems to have fixed it for a while .... having said that I'm again beginning to find it hard to maintain the necessary degree of focus and concentration once more. What I do find is that the slightly more expensive games do keep me focused. Less is more seemed to be working for me at one point (i.e. playing less poker but more thoughtfully) - but I am too easily seduced by a good value proposition - hence I've been playing in the Mansion 1cent games over past couple of weeks and virtually anything GAF puts up on the board. Luckily I don't have a day job, so can (only just) find time for pursuits outside of poker - but those who have other committments to fulfil must get very overloaded. Anyway just thought I'd empty my brain whilst I wait for the late night Mansion games - not sure if my ramblings make much sense..... but what the hell :eek

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Re: Am I the only one....???? i would definately use the summer as a bit of a break pene. we all play a large number of hours and i think games like the so stt tourneys take a lot out of you because of the amount of extra games that you fit in because they are running constantly. i know i was burning out before i went to vegas and i was getting a bit sick of playing ,but 2 weeks in the sun and no pc certainly revitalised me a bit. im probably going to play a bit less over the summer months (maybe only pl leagues and the interforum games etc) as i may be moving soon ,so thats bound to be a bit of a time consuming nightmare. one thing i would try to get you loveing the game again is try playing in a big tourney in vegas when your there ,see if they do satellites for the wsop or wpt events and have a go ,the buy ins might be a bit steep and you may not win (i didnt:cry ended up 4th in my 10 player shootout)but the buzz you get from playing against really top players has definately made me want more,and made me feel that i can compete in a much higher buy in than im used to if i win a seat in a large event in the future. i really think a fair few players on the lounge would have a fair chance of at least cashing at these events(with some luck of course everyone needs it) so hopefully mo will do us proud in the wsop and bring back a juicy check:dude

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Re: Am I the only one....???? change what you are playing so if it has been cash - play tourneys (and vice-versa) it it has been hold-em, try 5 card draw etc mix and match oh and remember the money, just focus on the money rather than the fun of playing, and then have fun with your winnings :) Damo

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Re: Am I the only one....???? maybe now is the time to tune in on your horse racing/football picking skills...;) at the end of the day, if you are playing for the sake of playing, you're unlikely to do well/play your best - a break is more likely to help you rediscover your poker playing desire.... :ok

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Re: Am I the only one....????

maybe now is the time to tune in on your horse racing/football picking skills...;)
Yeah, I might do that :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin Well, thanks everyone for your advice... Summer is definitely here, and I am enjoying it very much :D Will be back at the Poker tables again... all refreshed :tongue2
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