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Good new about the Multireg WAR :D


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Hey Punters. I have a good news for you all. Hopefully. I have gained acces from a multireg player that i was eventually trying to track down (cuzz he was using different (very different names) ) i have uncovered 2 or 3 names but i know he has got 6. Good news is i tried to tell him to not to multyreg to the 10k freeroll cuzz i knew he'll try. And i was scanning the registered players to look for multireg. And it seems that SO or bossmedia solved this problem. He was registered with his first username, then he tryed with his others but he was unable to register cuzz he hasnt got the register button for those tourneys where he was previously registered( the safety and the 10k) Now i'm telling him to unregister with his reg and try to reg with another account and then try to reg with another one. If he wont be able then we should send an email to SO or boss media. If it works then maybe its tracking down the multiusers by IP. I dunno i know few about this. I'll keep you updated. Hope It'll be a revolution:hope EDIT :( Noooo :S seems there is still multireg on safety :S But was my idea bad about tracking down the accounts by using the accounts IPs. Just mach the suspected account owners IP and there u have a result.

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Re: Good new about the Multireg WAR :D Not a bad idea at all, IP monitoring should be a given with any halfway respectable poker room and is with all the major ones except boss media (seem to remembering they implement it for some countries but can't/won't for others?) But I'm confused by this - how did you figure out a player was multi-regged if their names are different? ie how are you finding out a player's ip?

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Re: Good new about the Multireg WAR :D i cant find out players IP. I know there is a way. Cuzz i play online and i know they can locate your ip country your internet provider and through that your location btw :) I know that guy cuzz i know him from live poker play. Edit: i have photo proof :D

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Re: Good new about the Multireg WAR :D Is IP such a good way to check? It is possible for people to share IPs. If I am playing on my PC and my wife is on the laptop we are using the same IP. I also sometimes play at my parents house where my dad has an account and so we are both playing different accounts under the same IP. Many people share IPs such as people at work or shared houses. I know an online football game that I play where if you are going to be sharing an IP with someone you have to OK it with the site first. It could be done but would take a little monitoring.

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Re: Good new about the Multireg WAR :D ip isnt a great way to check, there's 5 of us in this house and 3 of us play poker, MAC addresses are UNIQUE to the individual piece of hardware each pc uses to connect to the net(including wireless and LAN cards) and those are what should be used to check for this

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Re: Good new about the Multireg WAR :D I don't think 2 different people in the same location, with the same IP address, should be allowed at the same table, even if they are on different machines.........

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Re: Good new about the Multireg WAR :D

I don't think 2 different people in the same location' date=' with the same IP address, should be allowed at the same table, even if they are on different machines.........[/quote'] Isn't it Mr V and P_L that can't play on the same table on Betfair because they have the same IP?
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Re: Good new about the Multireg WAR :D

I don't think 2 different people in the same location' date=' with the same IP address, should be allowed at the same table, even if they are on different machines.........[/quote'] Oh you wait till we get a laptop then say that. Cheers GAF :loon
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Re: Good new about the Multireg WAR :D

I don't think 2 different people in the same location' date=' with the same IP address, should be allowed at the same table, even if they are on different machines.........[/quote'] Didn't happen tonight but it is amazing how many times Avon and I are on the same table on Sporting Odds - and often at the beginning of the tournament. Betfair have probably got it right, although it was annoying when I was doing well but got moved to Avon's table and had to sit out 'cos she was there first ! We play on different floors of the house and never tell each other what hand we have. But if there is just one occasion where I might have called a raise by Avon but don't simply because of who she is I guess it's collusion (mind you you'd be hard pressed to notice me doing it as it would usually be me raising ! ;) ).
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Re: Good new about the Multireg WAR :D Verifying by IP has it's problems, but using MAC ads would have even more, it's be next to useless if someone wanted to invest in a lot of hardware. IP is a bigger 'catch-all', it can be unfair on people sharing an IP but although that's unfortunate, it's better harshly prohibiting the odd person from playing than giving multi-reggers free reign, IMO anyway. I understand it's an annoyance for couples/families etc sharing a connection but I can't see a way around it if sites want to deal with collusion/multi-regging.

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Re: Good new about the Multireg WAR :D You can use internal (LAN) and external IPs to achieve the same effect as MAC. You can never say for sure if players in the same house are cheating though. Plus, you can never say that players who AREN'T in the same house are cheating. We could be in different countries and talking on the phone for all they know. It is unsolvable. The only thing they can do is get better at noticing and cracking down on the perpetrators.

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