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Viva Las Vegas !


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Re: Viva Las Vegas !

Woohoo ! Just landed my seat in the $1500 PLHE at the WSOP via UltimateBet $30 RB MTT :loon See you there moFace !
EXCELLENT m8:clap :clap :clap :clap well deserved too after coming second in the other one! just dont knock me out in the wsop ok!!!!!!
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Re: Viva Las Vegas !

Woohoo ! Just landed my seat in the $1500 PLHE at the WSOP via UltimateBet $30 RB MTT :loon See you there moFace !
Congratulations Grouch! :clap :clap :clap :clap Seems like they may as well rename the WSoP to PL monthly MTT league if it carries on like this. Have fun in vegas. :ok
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Re: Viva Las Vegas !

Woohoo ! Just landed my seat in the $1500 PLHE at the WSOP via UltimateBet $30 RB MTT :loon See you there moFace !
Storming result Grouch :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap Best of luck :ok
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