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Sporting Odds MTT June - Leg 4


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Re: Sporting Odds MTT June - Leg 4

Taken out in 32nd by superman who is the complete muppet responsible for quite a few PL'ers going out tonight.:@:wall:@:wall
yeah he took me out jj v q8h hit his flush.fully agree with the muppet comment but suppose in his defence he did have a huge stack
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Re: Sporting Odds MTT June - Leg 4

Taken out in 32nd by superman who is the complete muppet responsible for quite a few PL'ers going out tonight.:@:wall:@:wall
Hats off too for guyden who helped to ruin tonights table. Big raises constantly followed by periods of sitting out and coming back to use the same tactics. He was claiming he was tired and had to go to bed as he had school in the morning... twat... The only good thing about my performance tonight was managing to finish in the spot directly above him.
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Re: Sporting Odds MTT June - Leg 4

Taken out in 32nd by superman who is the complete muppet responsible for quite a few PL'ers going out tonight.:@:wall:@:wall
Well done ed for taking superman out:clap now someone take out miky, who is giving abuse and took me out!!!!
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Re: Sporting Odds MTT June - Leg 4 Well me i done well in the first 2 . Tonight i get caught twice by spannerj holding flush.. Go allin for my last 365 to nearly triple up and get called by DanDan me pocket 5's flop is KK? then turn and river JJ DanDan has an Ace. only needed to finish in top ten to stay in the top five.. :wall :wall :wall :wall :@ :@

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT June - Leg 4

Well done Jaded - can confirm that the wooden spoon is yours for another month - you can't be caught :clap :clap :P
Oops, my fault - but saved your a*se Run! :$ And I was on the phone with your mother at the time LOL! winner555 is at seat 1 with 1820.00 BurnJoe is at seat 2 with 2560.00 pistnbroke is at seat 3 with 1010.00 PLBrael is at seat 4 with 1820.00 guyden is at seat 5 with 3620.00 Gizdalord is at seat 6 with 1970.00 avongirl is at seat 7 with 1960.00 boz is at seat 8 with 1970.00 JadedJ is at seat 9 with 1240.00 winner555 posts the large blind 20.00 JadedJ posts the small blind 10.00 JadedJ: --, -- winner555: --, -- BurnJoe: --, -- pistnbroke: --, -- PLBrael: --, -- guyden: --, -- Gizdalord: --, -- avongirl: Kh, Kc boz: --, -- Pre-flop: BurnJoe: Fold pistnbroke: Fold PLBrael: Fold guyden: Raise 40.00 Gizdalord: Call 40.00 avongirl: Raise 100.00 boz: Fold JadedJ: Raise 200.00 winner555: Fold guyden: Raise 300.00 Gizdalord: Fold avongirl: Call 300.00 JadedJ: All in guyden: Raise 2200.00 avongirl: All in Showdown: avongirl shows: Kh, Kc (a pair of Kings) JadedJ shows: Jh, Jc (a pair of Jacks) Flop (Board: 2s, 3d, 4h): Turn (Board: 2s, 3d, 4h, As): River (Board: 2s, 3d, 4h, As, 6s): Sidepot 2: avongirl wins the pot of 1420 with a pair of Kings Mainpot: avongirl wins the pot of 3810 with a pair of Kings
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Re: Sporting Odds MTT June - Leg 4

Well me i done well in the first 2 . Tonight i get caught twice by spannerj holding flush.. Go allin for my last 365 to nearly triple up and get called by DanDan me pocket 5's flop is KK? then turn and river JJ DanDan has an Ace. only needed to finish in top ten to stay in the top five.. :wall :wall :wall :wall :@ :@
Aww I feel really bad :rollin
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Re: Sporting Odds MTT June - Leg 4

Cheers Morl. Is that me in or out of the top 5? Do you think 2 scores are going to be enough? :hope :hope :hope
Great start mate.:clap But i think like me you will be just outside the top 5:sad :sad
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