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Sometimes I hate this game


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A week off from it all has not worked. First game for more than a week and this happens in the BF grand prix... Blind are 150/300 dealt to Galronix [Ad Ah] HillyFish: folds Riffler: calls 300 frankles: folds Garcian: folds Galronix: raises to 1125 and is all-in daveybazz: folds Mabel74: folds Jari: raises to 2440 and is all-in Gordon73: folds PJG8686: folds Riffler: folds Returned uncalled bets 1,315 to Jari ----- FLOP ----- [Jh Qd 6d] ----- TURN ----- [Jh Qd 6d][Kd] ----- RIVER ----- [Jh Qd 6d Kd][6c] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Jari: shows [9c 6h] (Three of a kind, Sixes, King high) Galronix: shows [Ad Ah] (Two Pairs, Aces and Sixes, King high) Jari collects 3250 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 3250 Main pot 3250 Rake 0 Board [Jh Qd 6d Kd 6c] Seat 1: HillyFish folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Riffler folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: frankles folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: Garcian folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Galronix showed [Ad Ah] and lost Seat 6: daveybazz folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: Mabel74 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: Jari (button) showed [9c 6h] and won (3250) with Three of a kind, Sixes, King high Seat 9: Gordon73 (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 10: PJG8686 (big blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@

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Re: Sometimes I hate this game was happy in mid-table in the $500 added on Mansion tonight when taken out in two hands. first my AJ spades is beaten by A 10 os (I called his all-in pre-flop) when the board finds four clubs to go with his Ace. just a couple of hands later against the same player I am all-in with QQ and he calls with JJ - the flop includes a Q but then the board creates an A high straight for him ! he did at least say sorry after the second hand ! :(

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Re: Sometimes I hate this game You know, if people would just go and read your blog, you wouldn't need to bother posting on here dear. :\ Go read Run's blog - it's really good. Hopefully it's the groundwork for the How I Made a Million from Poker book in a few years time (and got rid of the wife). ;)

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Re: Sometimes I hate this game Well it's in his signature anyway, as is yours. At least Run's is up to date - what have you been up to since May 11th (and even then it was about Mo!) LOOOOOOOOOOL :lol There must be something you can tell us about what you've been up to. Been anywhere nice and hot? We've not heard much about your hols or seen any piccys yet? I wanna see some red skin..........:eek

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Re: Sometimes I hate this game Sorry Gal, went off subject abit there. My AA lost out to 55 yesterday, all-in pre-flop, what more can you do, 5 on the river. I was so cross I couldn't speak for about half an hour. Posting it on here helps I think. :\

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Re: Sometimes I hate this game

You know, if people would just go and read your blog, you wouldn't need to bother posting on here dear. :\ Go read Run's blog - it's really good. Hopefully it's the groundwork for the How I Made a Million from Poker book in a few years time (and got rid of the wife). ;)
If I thought anyone but you was going to read the blog I would stop writing it ! I was real lazy today and just wrote the same rubbish everywhere :lol (in fact looking back I think that's what I do every day :$ )
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Re: Sometimes I hate this game Well I must admit I was steaming slightly when I did this, but I'd bought in on a 10c table and look down at QQ. I was in late position and there were several limpers and being honest I couldn't be bothered to 'play' poker, so I whacked all my $2 in pre-flop, being quite happy to pick up the 60-70c in blinds. I get one caller. Q6 spades, and he hits runner runner to get his flush. :puke

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Re: Sometimes I hate this game

My AA lost out to 55 yesterday' date=' all-in pre-flop, what more can you do, 5 on the river. I was so cross I couldn't speak for about half an hour.[/quote'] Well, rematch tonight - all-in AA, he turns over 55. :eek AA holds up! :nana Did anyone go out to trip 6's today? Edit - ah, just seen the other thread.
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