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**Poker Sunday 4th June**


**Poker Sunday 4th June**  

  1. 1.

    • 14:00 William Hill £500
    • 16:00 Blue Square Bubble Tourney
    • 17:00 Europoker WPT Boot Camp
    • 18:00 Europoker Fish Tank
    • 19:30 Virgin 100,000 V Points
    • 20:00 Sporting Odds $2500 Freeroll
    • 20:00 Sporting Odds Champions League
    • 21:00 Mansion $500 Added
    • 21:10 Laddies $2500 Raked Hands Freeroll
    • 03:00 Mansion $500 Added

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Re: **Poker Sunday 4th June** just out of the SO £2.5k freeroll my final hand is below Background : 11 left in, top 10 pay. I'm lying 10th and Redman25 is 11th and UTG. Hand #321502457 at table: Monthly $2.5k FR Started: Sun Jun 04 22:36:12 2006 7poker7 is at seat 2 with 65181.00 runadrum is at seat 3 with 3661.00 wolfy33 is at seat 4 with 20460.00 Dr.Acula is at seat 5 with 15604.00 xzanadu is at seat 8 with 9099.00 Redman25 is at seat 9 with 2380.00 xzanadu posts the large blind 1600.00 Dr.Acula posts the small blind 800.00 Dr.Acula: --, -- xzanadu: --, -- Redman25: --, -- 7poker7: --, -- runadrum: 7s, Ac wolfy33: --, -- Pre-flop: Redman25: All in 7poker7: Fold So now I think about it and decide I must take him on, although I would have folded if he had. runadrum: Call 2380.00 wolfy33: Fold Dr.Acula: Fold xzanadu: Raise 7180.00 now my thoughts are unprintable but after a bit more thinking I decide that if Redman wins I'm as good as dead anyway so there might as well be 2 hands in play to try and knock him out. runadrum: All in Showdown: runadrum shows: 7s, Ac (high card, Ace) xzanadu shows: 5d, 5s (a pair of Fives) Redman25 shows: 6s, 6c (a pair of Sixes) thoughts ? unprintable Flop (Board: 4h, Kh, 3s): Turn (Board: 4h, Kh, 3s, Qc): thoughts now ? no thoughts, just me saying the same word out loud over and over and over (and it wasn't calling for an A, 7 or 5 !) River (Board: 4h, Kh, 3s, Qc, 5h): xzanadu shows: 5d, 5s (three of a kind, Fives) Sidepot 2: xzanadu wins the pot of 2562 with three of a kind, Fives Mainpot: xzanadu wins the pot of 7940 with three of a kind, Fives I have never been so happy to lose a hand and settle for $50 for 10th. But now I'm cursing not still being there as I led for a bit and was comfortable in 3rd when made two bad calls holding 44. The first was to fold them pre-flop to see a 4 on the flop, and the second was to call with them a few hands later only to beaten by AQ and A6. Thinking about it again I don't deserve to still be there cos I played the latter stages like a complete coward and wally ! :wall When down to the final 14 I was moved to sit in front of the chip leader (and eventual winner). Not once did he not raise my BB from his SB, and not once did I not fold. I don't think I once had the cards to call (usually raised more than the minimum) but he can't have had a raising hand every time either ?? Good Luck Pistnbroke who is still there doing well in the final 5 :clap

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Re: **Poker Sunday 4th June**

Yeeeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana Best Result ever 4th in the SO tournry $237.50 would post some more info but am a bit lost for words Thanks for the support
Well done PnB. Really pleased for you and hope this goes some way to making up for your disappointment the other night. :clap :clap :clap :clap
Not once did he not raise my BB from his SB, and not once did I not fold. I don't think I once had the cards to call (usually raised more than the minimum) but he can't have had a raising hand every time either ??
Runadrum, I think thats the psychological play that a big-stack can have on other players... At first you think "He's getting all the good cards tonight, and then when you realise he's a bluffing ***son the next time you call it he'll have a monster. Imo (although not all will agree) unless you have either the chip-stack or the cards to survive an all in sometimes its better to fold. However my 'card' criteria to defend against repeated attacks have lowered to any 2 cards above 9, depending on the scenario, and whether Jaded is out. ;)
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Re: **Poker Sunday 4th June**

Imo (although not all will agree) unless you have either the chip-stack or the cards to survive an all in sometimes its better to fold. However my 'card' criteria to defend against repeated attacks have lowered to any 2 cards above 9, depending on the scenario, and whether Jaded is out. ;)
:lol :lol :rollin :lol :lol
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