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$4000 guaranteed sporting odds

devil tish

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hi all dont know where u all are tonight, but i'm i'm on sporting odds, in $4k guaranteed, and $20k freeroll qualifier. going ok in $4k, 2nd in chips 1st break 212 left in....... long way to go yet!!! and as the proverb says dont count your chickens before they are hatched! gl all dt:hope

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Re: $4000 guaranteed sporting odds

getting nervous about playing aj/kj etc
Mate trust your instincts, and play your position/cards exactly the same as if its a PL league game or any other MTT. AK is imo different to AJ, and AK is definitely a bullying hand, but not necessarily an all in one pre-flop. Aj is good when your position is good.;) :ok
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Re: $4000 guaranteed sporting odds

Mate trust your instincts, and play your position/cards exactly the same as if its a PL league game or any other MTT. AK is imo different to AJ, and AK is definitely a bullying hand, but not necessarily an all in one pre-flop. Aj is good when your position is good.;) :ok
good advice, what about suited connectors...leave em alone?
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Re: $4000 guaranteed sporting odds

Originally Posted by devil tish good advice, what about suited connectors...leave em alone?
It's down to feel and position, bit like sex ;)
:lol :lol :lol :lol Suited connectors such as 78 89? Look, the best outcome will be a straight or a flush, and even then there is the risk you'll lose to a bigger flush. If you hit 2 pair with 89 suited, then someone else could be on their straight. no no no no no no no no no no no. okay?;) but as an all in short-stack... maybe.
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Re: $4000 guaranteed sporting odds ok mate:ok :ok :ok im just a gambler! theres a guy that keeps raising all in when im limping with low pairs 55/44. i am dying to call him but i know it'll be 50/50! confused.com wait.......just moved table waahay didnt know how to play him at all! still in 14 out of 34 average 24000, me 19000 blinds 1000/2000 2 mins still waiting for a good hand! or i'm gonna have to do some bobbing and weaving!;) ;) dt

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