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Exposed Hands


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One for live players, if somebody exposes their hand during in play, whats the correct ruling. For example 2 people in a pot, one raises, the other says something along the lines of "will you show if I fold", the other then shows before a definite fold has been made. Ive seen this type of example several times now, with different outcomes, the non show-er has had the choice to keep playing, the show-er has had his hand mucked, the hand has been made null and void. I'm confused now to what the correct rule should be, can anyone advise ? Thanks Mike

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Re: Exposed Hands Actually, according to the Poker Tournament Directors Association; http://www.pokertda.com/rules4_interface/Results/results_page.asp

35 Expose A player who exposes his cards during the play may incur a penalty, but will not have his hand killed.
and according to "Roberts Rules of Poker" (an attempt to be the leading authority on poker rules by Bob Ciaffone). Available here (authors website); http://www.pokercoach.us/RobsPkrRules6.htm

The following actions are improper, and grounds for warning, suspending, or barring a violator: Making statements or taking action that could unfairly influence the course of play, whether or not the offender is involved in the pot. Irregularities 12. Procedure for an exposed card varies with the poker form, and is given in the section for each game. A card that is flashed by a dealer is treated as an exposed card. A card that is flashed by a player will play.
Back to the TDA in the discussion area;
During one of the tournaments that I run there were 3 players left in a hand, Player A was forced all-in low stacked by the BB, Player B the chip leader happily called and action passed to Player C who had martginally more chips than Player A. Unseen by myself, Player B then exposed his cards to A and Player C asked for a ruling that B's hand should be declared dead. Player A was all-in remember. How do you rule on this and why?
Exposed hands are not dead, a penalty (10 min) away from the table may be asessed. If one active player saw the hand then it is flipped up for all players to see.
So as I see it, the hand can still be played to a conclusion. I've asked the TDA for opinions anyway mate. :ok
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Re: Exposed Hands Cheers mate, youve done your homework there and answered my next question there aswell, which was where are all the official rules. Looks like I'm not the only one confused by this quiery I sent an email to poker player at the time of posting this to see what there response was, but imagine the correct answer will be known on here by the time they see the email Many Thanks

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