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Does anyone regularly use satellites to qualify for larger events? This morning I came 2/49 for a seat in the Pacific (888.com) Poker $25K guaranteed freezeout that runs every Monday. It only cost me $5, while the buy in for the main event is $35+$3. Since it's a freezeout, I'm expecting 700+ players, but $5 is good value. I'd like to spend more of my poker time playing in large guaranteed freezeouts, looking for $10K and upwards, ideally $50K, $100K and $500K, and if I can get into those cheaply through decent satellites, all the better. If you know of any good ones - post them here? :)

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Re: Satellites The Goalpoker satellites to the 100k qualifiers are usually about $3 to enter and only have about 20-30 runners. That takes you into a qualifier but the only drawback is these are at about 4am. I have done this twice and qualified for the 100k guaranteed both times, not bad value for a shot at a share of 100k

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Re: Satellites Sorry guy if it is mean to post it here but i have a nice story of Pacificpoker and its satellites. When i've realised that the money play contains freerolls i ran to my friend to tell him and we were meeting each week to play freerolss together( we were about 18) and once after maybe 2 weeks, we just turned out in 3rd place of 2000!! entrants and we've qualified to another satellite round of 5$ buy in. We had to wait about 6 hours to it. The game started at 03:00 +1gtm and we were so excited. And as the luck of the beginners we've wont that and we gained a seat to the 100k tourney :) Can u imagine the feeling of two absolute begginers. But really we did not know anything but raise fold call and all in. Nothing else. Absolute beginners with 2weeks of poker experience. :D it was awesome. We had to wait 3 days till the game. Hell of a 3 days. We bought cigars and whiskey etc. we were doin fine for 2 hours. played like 1010 or higher. Then we had something lhigh and got raised after betting half of our chip and we folded. After a few moths of poker 've realised that was a bluff. and we slowly got blinded out. We took a 2 hours long walk. Man that was a catastrophy at that time and now it is fun to remember and i a,m greatfull cuzz that was i think the moment that made me a poker player for sure :P

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Re: Satellites A quick word of warning!! If you're playing a satellite, make sure you can play the tournament you'll qualify for :loon Sounds obvious I know, but I've managed to get stung :unsure On Friday I played a satelitte to the 100k qualifier on Goal Poker. About 2 mins before it starts I realised that the 100k qualifier I'm trying to get through started at 5am my time - and by now it was too late to un-register :loon There was $15 dollars on offer for 3rd, so I figured I'd aim for that instead. Was doing quite nicely and with 5 left I figured I start to throw a few of my chips away - of course I keep winning :unsure Managed to qualify for the next stage and there I am at 5am. I was so tired I could barely manage to work out what hand I might have, let alone what anyone else was doing. Didn't do too badly but didn't qualify either :sad

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