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Goal Poker WSOP

Burnley Joe

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Hi All, Buzzing just had an email from goalpoker about the leaderboard! Anyone else going? Joe Hi Burnley Joe, Well done for winning the Leader-board. I am afraid that we WILL be taking you to the WSOP!! Details will follow, but most people will be going out on about the 26th July. best book of a week. If you get further in the tourney, you won't care about taking an extra week off! Cheers, Julian

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Re: Goal Poker WSOP Nice one Joe well deserved but I echo Dave's commments take quite a few changes of clothes with you or find a good dry cleaners over there :lol Should make the 'survivors' tourney tonight so see you later

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Re: Goal Poker WSOP and the runner up gets........................nothing :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall am i p**sed off now or what.i tried to wangle a free ibiza trip as a consolation but they said only qualifiers(or models with nice bodies i guess)anyway i fail on both counts.........sound bitter?too bloody right i am :@ :@ :@

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