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Stupid (newB) Questions...


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...Hey poker players. Im fairly new to this game and just have a query about a couple of types of actual poker game. On the one i started with, bet365, there are tournaments called "Sattelites" and "rounders", Could someone explain what these are all about please? :$:$:$ Apologies for these ridiculously stupid questions.

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Re: Stupid (newB) Questions... el stuart, its not a stupid question at all! We were all new once theres a sticky at the top of the list of posts that has answers to lots of questions that people new to the game would find really beneficial to read. I'm sure you'll find a lot of useful info there. I'm sure anyone would be happy to answer any question, any time:D

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Re: Stupid (newB) Questions... Rounders (also known on some sites as Ladders) is a tournament where you pay a small amount to buy in at Level 1, prizes being seats for Level 2. Top 2/3 in that one go to Level 3, and so on... cash prizes at Level 5. You can also buy direct in at other levels, but the appeal is generally that you can win thousands for a $5 buy-in if you play through the levels (although I think there's some damn good players who stick at Level 5 and mop up the 'small-time' players.)

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Re: Stupid (newB) Questions... OK i have another question so i figure i'll use the same thread :dude Although this 1 is slightly different and more of an opinion question, Im just wondering how do you players (if at all) keep track of all the monies and stuff you have deposited into various accounts and that? I only ever have money in 2 accounts at the moment, and am reluctant to deposit into anymore accounts since i'll end up losing track of how much im depositing or i'll end up forgetting where i have money stored :$

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Re: Stupid (newB) Questions...

OK i have another question so i figure i'll use the same thread :dude Although this 1 is slightly different and more of an opinion question, Im just wondering how do you players (if at all) keep track of all the monies and stuff you have deposited into various accounts and that? I only ever have money in 2 accounts at the moment, and am reluctant to deposit into anymore accounts since i'll end up losing track of how much im depositing or i'll end up forgetting where i have money stored :$
This is a good question!! My answer is that I haven't got a clue how much dollars I've got lying around. I know the sites that I've got a decent amount in but I know I've got the odd cent here and there as well.I keep meaning to go round them all and check but that'll probably never happen. I just uninstalled 26 sites last week and I've probably got some cash in them but they'll be reinstalled when a decent promotion comes out. Unorganised chaos just like my life. TQM
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Re: Stupid (newB) Questions... There's nowt better than a little pocket notebook(i.e the kind you write in) Every Friday I go through all my poker sites(32) and note down the weekly amount in each.Also it's handy for all the updates that pokersites send,so your never scrambling to get into a tourny with a few mins to go only to find an update waiting for you.

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Re: Stupid (newB) Questions... i use a big spreadsheet to keep track of all my expenditures and gains in the sites i have money in, currently 6. Full Tilt Poker, Europoker, Ladbrokes, Mansion, VC, Virgin. i keep track of all my cash game ins and outs, tourny buyins and wins, along with a note of how i went out of the tourny, position at the breaks, and for cash games any big pots i've lost and what i should have done to avoid it.

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Re: Stupid (newB) Questions... Started off logging my results in a notebook (freerolls only at that stage). As soon as I deposited any money I started up a simple spreadsheet with columns for date, site, depsosit amount (and method), buy-in, winnings, a/c balance, position and notes. Will no doubt refine as I progress - already finding problems adding up $s against £s - but it does for me at the moment for about 6 sites. I tot it up at the end of each month to see my profit or loss. Main thing is make sure you do it as you go along, one game at a time, especially when you are playing cash or STTs, otherwise you'll soon lose track trying to do it at the end of the night. Don't worry if your balance on some sites (eg. Sporting Odds) seems to vary by a few cents every day to what your tally is, as the exchange rate seems to affect it. The balance in your original currency (I deposited in £ but play in $) should still be right. :)

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Re: Stupid (newB) Questions...

OK i have another question so i figure i'll use the same thread :dude Although this 1 is slightly different and more of an opinion question, Im just wondering how do you players (if at all) keep track of all the monies and stuff you have deposited into various accounts and that? I only ever have money in 2 accounts at the moment, and am reluctant to deposit into anymore accounts since i'll end up losing track of how much im depositing or i'll end up forgetting where i have money stored :$
Well, I found a few weeks ago after forcing myself to audit the situation after realising I had 27 accounts ( :$ ) with money in - that I had over $1500 lying about. This money (well, the bit that i never spent on lipstick, shoes and handbags) is now in neteller. I've just started to use a spreadsheet properly and I'm sure thats the way to go to monitor your bankroll and profits and losses. I would seriously recommend using neteller to keep a bankroll in - you can then fund accounts pretty much fuss free and put any profits you make in where you can keep an eye on it, but not everyone likes to do this .
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Re: Stupid (newB) Questions... I'm with Pokerose on this one - I recently opened up an e-wallet (Neteller), and found this helps immensely. I like to keep some funds in there, so when an offer or a good value tournie appears I can jump into a site quite quickly - and conversely jump off again relatively quickly. I also have one poker home - where I play most of my poker, which is pokerstars. This is for two reasons - I want to be able to play against the same bunch of players (so hopefully I can find some kind of edge) - and also to gain loyalty points mostly at one site - which gives access to various freerolls or gifts (if you are that way inclined).

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