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anyone want to critique my play of AA two hands in 3?


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FYI Iirpa (the BB) had been fairly aggressive, raising and re-raising could I have played these 2 hands any differently? I think in both occasions I misplayed them and should have extracted more cash Damo ps this was the 2nd and 3rd time I had had AA (I min raised the previous time on the button - folds from the blinds) - oh and I had it again about 5 hands later, 3xBB raise with two callers equalled a shove on the flop :ok) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #314637236 at table: STT $50 NL Started: Mon May 29 18:53:12 2006 kløverdame is at seat 1 with 2770.00 bigjohnjk is at seat 2 with 1365.00 josua1957 is at seat 3 with 1415.00 daolge is at seat 4 with 820.00 Blacken6 is at seat 5 with 1820.00 robilaruk is at seat 6 with 1860.00 venren is at seat 7 with 2405.00 Trouble14 is at seat 8 with 1795.00 ipra is at seat 10 with 5600.00 ipra posts the large blind 100.00 Trouble14 posts the small blind 50.00 Trouble14: --, -- ipra: --, -- kløverdame: --, -- bigjohnjk: --, -- josua1957: --, -- daolge: --, -- Blacken6: --, -- robilaruk: Ah, Ad venren: --, -- Pre-flop: kløverdame: Fold bigjohnjk: Fold josua1957: Fold daolge: Fold Blacken6: Fold robilaruk: Raise 200.00 venren: Fold Trouble14: Fold ipra: Call 200.00 Flop (Board: Kd, 4c, 2s): ipra: Check robilaruk: Check Turn (Board: Kd, 4c, 2s, 2h): ipra: Bet 300.00 robilaruk: Raise 600.00 ipra: Fold robilaruk wins the pot of 1050.00 by default (0.00 rake were taken for this hand) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #314638790 at table: STT $50 NL Started: Mon May 29 18:54:30 2006 kløverdame is at seat 1 with 2670.00 bigjohnjk is at seat 2 with 1365.00 josua1957 is at seat 3 with 1415.00 daolge is at seat 4 with 820.00 Blacken6 is at seat 5 with 1820.00 robilaruk is at seat 6 with 2410.00 venren is at seat 7 with 2405.00 Trouble14 is at seat 8 with 1795.00 ipra is at seat 10 with 5150.00 kløverdame posts the large blind 100.00 ipra posts the small blind 50.00 ipra: --, -- kløverdame: --, -- bigjohnjk: --, -- josua1957: --, -- daolge: --, -- Blacken6: --, -- robilaruk: Ac, 7s venren: --, -- Trouble14: --, -- Pre-flop: bigjohnjk: Fold josua1957: Fold daolge: Fold Blacken6: Raise 300.00 robilaruk: Fold -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #314639585 at table: STT $50 NL Started: Mon May 29 18:55:10 2006 kløverdame is at seat 1 with 2620.00 bigjohnjk is at seat 2 with 1265.00 josua1957 is at seat 3 with 1415.00 daolge is at seat 4 with 820.00 Blacken6 is at seat 5 with 1970.00 robilaruk is at seat 6 with 2410.00 venren is at seat 7 with 2405.00 Trouble14 is at seat 8 with 1795.00 ipra is at seat 10 with 5150.00 bigjohnjk posts the large blind 100.00 kløverdame posts the small blind 50.00 kløverdame: --, -- bigjohnjk: --, -- josua1957: --, -- daolge: --, -- Blacken6: --, -- robilaruk: As, Ah venren: --, -- Trouble14: --, -- ipra: --, -- Pre-flop: josua1957: Fold daolge: Fold Blacken6: Fold robilaruk: Raise 200.00 venren: Call 200.00 Trouble14: Fold ipra: Raise 500.00 kløverdame: Fold bigjohnjk: Fold robilaruk: Call 500.00 venren: Call 500.00 Flop (Board: Qs, 4s, Ac): robilaruk: Check venren: Check ipra: Check Turn (Board: Qs, 4s, Ac, 2c): robilaruk: Check venren: Bet 200.00 ipra: Call 200.00 robilaruk: Raise 600.00 venren: Fold ipra: Fold robilaruk wins the pot of 2250.00 by default (0.00 rake were taken for this hand)

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Re: anyone want to critique my play of AA two hands in 3? no matter which way you play them given those flops it would be difficult to extract much from him imo. he would be waiting for a large bet which he can call, and then no TJQKA on the flop, where he can be almost certain either, you'd missed and will fold, or he will hit and you will go over the top with ace high. given how they flopped if you had slow played them preflop(which i would never advise doing unless you're SB vs BB) and maybe put in a few feeler bets, hoping to catch him drawing, then to pot steal at the end. winning the hands should be enough reward :)

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Re: anyone want to critique my play of AA two hands in 3? Surely to exact the maximum out of your AA you either sand-bag them, and take the risks such as those that unfriendly flops throw up, or you accept as much as more aggressive players throw at you. In Hand 1: I think you got as much as you could by waiting until the river and then raising his bet. No real complaints there, although you could have tried betting 200 on the flop, turn and river, and see if he'd got annoyed and re-raised you. In Hand 3(2nd AA): The raise to 500 suggested half a hand (to me), so why not just try a minimum re-raise. This can annoy the hell out of some-one with JJ 10 10 etc., and maybe, just maybe they'll have enough and tilt and go all in.:hope The only thing scary about this board was that someone was possibly on a flush draw (discounting the 35 for a straight due to the pre-flop raise), so perhaps it was fear which caused you to raise instead of flat-calling. Surely a call here would have been better, so that you could extract 2 more bets on the river.? Again mate, a critique. Thats all. I'm not saying in the heat of battle etc., I'd have done differently to you.

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Re: anyone want to critique my play of AA two hands in 3? I agree with you regarding hand 2 - i think I really misplayed it and missed a chance PF to build a big pot worth winning - the flip side was Liz sat next to me and said why not re-raise and I said there will be an Ace on the flop LOL so I got my Ace and hoped he would play the 'BET MY ACE' game as 'I RERAISED PF SO I MUST HAVE AN ACE' - alas he did not to any great extent :sad I am guessing he had a PP and am now kicking myself :$ IRPA is defo an aggressive player - one to note Damo :cheers

. In Hand 3(2nd AA): The raise to 500 suggested half a hand (to me), so why not just try a minimum re-raise. This can annoy the hell out of some-one with JJ 10 10 etc., and maybe, just maybe they'll have enough and tilt and go all in.:hope The only thing scary about this board was that someone was possibly on a flush draw (discounting the 35 for a straight due to the pre-flop raise), so perhaps it was fear which caused you to raise instead of flat-calling. Surely a call here would have been better, so that you could extract 2 more bets on the river.? Again mate, a critique. Thats all. I'm not saying in the heat of battle etc., I'd have done differently to you.
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Re: anyone want to critique my play of AA two hands in 3? Yeah the first one was played perfectly. Lured him into a bet to act on the pot and check raise him. 2nd one after he raised up so much on your original raise then I would have raised a little more like Valiant said as he must have had good cards that he wanted to see the flop with to re-raise with.

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