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Bubble frustrations


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I've been playing on Paradises $10 freezeouts, and after some initial success, am now struggling to pass the bubble. Today I finished 25th of 195 after being 2nd in chips from about 40 players. I'm beginning to seriously dislike the way these tournies are run though. Registration is open for a couple of hours before the game starts, but then stays open for the first blind level (10 minutes). Usually 80-100 players or so at the start of the game, but that can rise to 160-190 after the first level. So, whereas at the start the payout was 20/100 (20%), it is now almost half that at 20/~180 (11%). Finishing in the money is much harder, and it's always difficult to guage just how many people are going to join in that first blind level. Another reason might be that I get blind scared around the bubble. It's become a bit of an issue recently, so I'm more aware of it than ever. I try to tighten up around the bubble (despite lots of advice to the contrary), but perhaps I tighten up too much? On top of that I have to face a bit of bad luck every now and then. Today was a classic example - around 50 players left I utterly destroyed the big bully on our table (muhahah!) in two hands to put me 2nd. From then on, I was card dead... until we're down to about 30 players, I have an average 10K left and look down to see AQs. One caller so I raise, and he completes. Cards come down Q high with all rags. A bit of betting and he turns over quad 5s.... Shortly after I catch another big bully (and an absolute chump) in the act with my JJ. His 76off gets a straight and I'm done. BTW, he absolutely refuses to admit he's been lucky (including his AA vs QQ vs K,10 earlier.. K,10 hit two pair, and his Q arrives on the river) and is adamant that he played the hand well. Anyway.. I think the short starting stacks and the bad payout levels are doing me in. I played four tourneys yesterday and final tabled 3 of them.. so why are these Paradise ones so bad? Anyone else have bubble trouble?

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Re: Bubble frustrations seems to me your setting your sights on getting to the money.when i play a mtt my target is to win it,therefore i dont start worrying as i reach the bubble i just play my cards on merit.sure u will get bad beats along the way,but be patient ,and when you have a hand play it strong.......works for me

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Re: Bubble frustrations call me bubble boy as well today almost 3h on a $5 nl on FTP. JQs in good position(-1) raised 3x, got re-raised single, J on flop and i'm being hauled in by someone fishing with QQ ... should have folded should have folded went out 20/177, top 18 paid. then 66 vs K9s after almost 2h in the mansion $50 added, 6 on flop flush on turn, no help on river. out 14/69 top 9 pay. only made the money 1/9 times today. at least my raked hand winnings make up for part of it

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Re: Bubble frustrations survived lol.but only because guy on my left decided to slow play his aa,i was sat with 33 in bb and got a free flop.flop gave me trips(no more aces)so aa man goes all in,had to call.neither improved,he goes out 13th and i move to a healthy 6th.why the hell slow play?any bet i would have folded,a prime example of nerves near the bubble.T0_-1_1391666.JPG

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Re: Bubble frustrations $3.86 down so far today, but still 3 tournies left to finish/start that i should(1 is laddies raked hands invite) be able to even up/profit off. still reifing my mtt game ... late stages i still have ultimate difficulty reading plays.

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Re: Bubble frustrations I regularly go out on/close to the bubble - but I'm fairly convinced I make enough profit out of decent (top 3/4) finishes to make up for it. (Well, would like to think so anyway!) Given how low a lot of the prizes are if you just scrape into the money, and how desperate most people are to GET into the money, making your style more aggressive when you get near to the bubble point can be a big winner. (In my case, not much more aggressive, but there's not that far to go for me!)

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Re: Bubble frustrations Jaded - I came to the same conclusion after reading various sources: loosen up towards the bubble since everyone else will tighten. So far it hasn't paid off though.. I seem to be able to hold off the bad luck until the bubble, then run into quads :p. Once I catch that elusive win, I'm sure my tune will change. Croc - you're right, I should be aiming to win, especially how the payout is structured. I can't help thinking, "I'm almost safe, once I've at least won my money back I can loosen up and go for gold". Time to change that mindset :) Chaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrge!

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