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Re: Newbie Question

i used to play NFL for my local youth team. was fun ... but i gotta say i picked up more injuries from rugby
Gotta play an American Football league above youth then. I played Pee-wee leagues here (its the American youth football league). Most of us had no clue what we were doing, we just wanted to tackle someone lol But when you get into the above leagues (high school and college) it becomes more intense. My senior year of high school I got cut by an offensive lineman on my knee and dislocated it severly. An illegal move in American Football, but if you can get away with it you do it. When your on the field and your older, your purpose is to injure someone and make a name of yourself. Every year in the NFL there are guys with a broken arm or hand that never miss a start and just play with the cast on their hand. If your not injured to the point where your too disabled to play, then your starting the next week.
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Re: Newbie Question Played rugby all the way upto 26 until an injury downed me. Rugby is definately more physical, no "special" teams and breaks, just non stop carnage.... fair play I used to train with a American Football team a long time ago and they do take some nasty knocks but they've got the padding toooo. Im a Rugby Union man... but even I admit the 'hard nuts' play rugby league.

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Re: Newbie Question

Sorry mate' date=' I mean just to have played a few games, let alone at any decent level. Its a sport I love, but have never played.[/quote'] I hear ya mate, yeah its a great sport. I'm hoping with NFL Europe you guys can watch it more and more and like it more. But just have to remember those players are potential players the NFL teams are scouting to bring up.
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Re: Newbie Question

Played rugby all the way upto 26 until an injury downed me. Rugby is definately more physical, no "special" teams and breaks, just non stop carnage.... fair play I used to train with a American Football team a long time ago and they do take some nasty knocks but they've got the padding toooo. Im a Rugby Union man... but even I admit the 'hard nuts' play rugby league.
The padding doesn't mean much when your hit full speed by someone, trust me. The only reason for the padding is so one gets killed on the field. The protection used in the NFL is just to try to prevent serious injuries, but if you hit a guy full speed helmet on helmet, one of you is still getting knocked out or suffering a bad neck injury. If your speared in the chest with a tackle full speed, even with the protection your still gonna feel it big time and maybe break a rib or two.
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Re: Newbie Question

Gotta play an American Football league above youth then. I played Pee-wee leagues here (its the American youth football league). Most of us had no clue what we were doing' date=' we just wanted to tackle someone lol But when you get into the above leagues (high school and college) it becomes more intense. My senior year of high school I got cut by an offensive lineman on my knee and dislocated it severly. An illegal move in American Football, but if you can get away with it you do it. When your on the field and your older, your purpose is to injure someone and make a name of yourself. Every year in the NFL there are guys with a broken arm or hand that never miss a start and just play with the cast on their hand. If your not injured to the point where your too disabled to play, then your starting the next week.[/quote'] this wasnt the 'pee-wee' team, this was the youth team, 15-18, so same age as your high school afaik. and we got hit hard, thank god for pads and helmets. i played receiver so got hit plenty of times real real hard.
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Re: Newbie Question

this wasnt the 'pee-wee' team' date=' this was the youth team, 15-18, so same age as your high school afaik. and we got hit hard, thank god for pads and helmets. i played receiver so got hit plenty of times real real hard.[/quote'] Thats cool then. But just imagine being hit the same way by a pro NFL player instead of a teenager. A 6'6, 300+ guy that can bench press 500+ pounds easily. Its definately not a picnic. But like I said I will not say American Football is tougher then rugby. I have very much respect for rugby players and they are very tough. Both sports are very tough and have many bad ass players in them.
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Re: Newbie Question :welcome Marcus to PL, got to say I envy you living there! Been once and intend to go back very soon. As regards the American sports I am a Dallas Cowboys man myself and a Spurs fan when it comes to basketball. Texas Rangers for baseball. You may have guessed I have relatives in Texas! My grandad's brother emmigrated there after the second World War. Just a quick question on Vegas Marcus. I quite fancy playing a few STTs when I'm over there next. Is this possible? Last time I only played cash games but was usually a bit worse for wear :cheers. Just looking for a 10 man table tourney or something like that?

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Re: Newbie Question

:welcome Marcus to PL' date=' got to say I envy you living there! Been once and intend to go back very soon. As regards the American sports I am a Dallas Cowboys man myself and a Spurs fan when it comes to basketball. Texas Rangers for baseball. You may have guessed I have relatives in Texas! My grandad's brother emmigrated there after the second World War. Just a quick question on Vegas Marcus. I quite fancy playing a few STTs when I'm over there next. Is this possible? Last time I only played cash games but was usually a bit worse for wear :cheers. Just looking for a 10 man table tourney or something like that?[/quote'] Your talking about the Sit And Go type tournaments where just 10 people and top 3 get paid? Don't believe any casino does those types as I've only seen regular tournaments (25+) people. The sit and go's are very tough to do in a casino. But I'll call around for you to make sure.
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Re: Newbie Question

Yeah something like that - thanks mate. Just keen to play something other than straight cash games. 25 man tourneys or plus would be ideal too.
Ok I'll check into it for ya. I really doubt the Sit and Go type format as its not as profitable to the casinos as the bigger type tournaments with more people. I love the Sit and Go type tournaments online and make good money on htere, but have never found a casino that does that here. I know a casino down the street form me "Poker Palace" has a daily tournament of 25 bucks entry. Its a smaller casino tho. But I know many other casinos have their tournaments as well. I'll call around and try to get a summary for ya.
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Re: Newbie Question hehe just reading through, i used to play american football a bit years ago, got all the pads etc, had mess about game with mates and his dad, bloody idiot dad didnt have a clue what he was doing, before wed even snapped the ball he ran full pelt and pole axed me, i was about 15 he was a big old boy believe me it hurts lmao

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Re: Newbie Question

:welcome Marcus' date=' cool name btw. Our son is also called Marcus :ok[/quote'] I have a son called Marcus too, what a coincidence :lol :lol :lol . :welcome to the poker bit Marcus. Very interesting reading about all the NFL, rugby stuff etc. Snooker is much less dangerous, been playing for years and can't recall ever sustaining any injuries. Ripped my trousers once during a league game when my pocket caught on the ball rail, very embarassing mind yi :$ :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :cheers
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Re: Newbie Question BDaveG: Talked to my mom today and found out she lists poker tournaments on her site. I'll give you the link for that as she updates it frequently and will give you a better idea on everything. ************* just go to the bottom of the page and go to Gambling Information/Tips & Vegas news. She has a thread in there called All The Latest Gambling Tournaments In Las Vegas and has information there for poker tournaments or even if you fancy a blackjack tournament. Hope posting the link isn't in violation of anything, but its my mom's site so I get nothing from it other then being her son. lol

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