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Newbie Question


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God it sucks calling yourself a newbie doesn't it? lol If this has been asked before I apoligize, but I'm big into poker as I'm sure most can tell from where I live. I go to the casinos about 5 or so days a week and play poker. Where do you guys primarily play? It seems like a nice brotherhood/sisterhood here in poker in the threads I've been reading where everyone is cheering each other on and I like it. Was just wondering where you guys mostly play at so I can join up and have a little fun as well. I'm mostly registered at a lot of American poker sites, (just for practice and relaxing, nothing major) but I've played at some European sites before and must say you European poker players are quite the challenge.

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Re: Newbie Question Welcome aboard Marcus. One great way of getting involved is to take part in the many competitions that the PL run - very competitive and a very good standard of play - but real friendly too. You'll find them all in the top half of the Poker Forum homepage. Good Luck and hope you get some great cards - though not against me!!!!

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Re: Newbie Question :welcomeMarcus. Nice to have you here, there's a few people from PL going to Vegas who might be able to benefit from local knowledge:ok. As Cloud says there are the PL sponsored tourneys (the Virgin one is especially good value) but there's also the daily diary and people tend to post when they find something that looks good. Best advice is to have a good look through the forum. Have fun Tax

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Re: Newbie Question

And by the way - I'm not jealous about where you live. Honest. No, really I'm not !!!
lol if you moved here and lived here awhile, trust me the prestige of "Las Vegas" wears off. To me its just another city as I've lived here going on 6 years. Only difference is I can legally do things I couldn't do when I grew up in Chicago and make a living off of it. I joined a sit and go one night at 24hpoker (dunno if anyone has played there before) and this one guy was saying i'm a liar, that I don't really live here, and prove that i live here. I just told the guy to e-mail their support staff for my IP address for the proof lol Once you live here awhile the fascination wears off, but yeah when I didn't live here Vegas was like paradise to me.
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Re: Newbie Question

:welcomeMarcus. Nice to have you here, there's a few people from PL going to Vegas who might be able to benefit from local knowledge:ok. As Cloud says there are the PL sponsored tourneys (the Virgin one is especially good value) but there's also the daily diary and people tend to post when they find something that looks good. Best advice is to have a good look through the forum. Have fun Tax
Ok I'll do that then. If you guys need a great heads up on Vegas stuff going on, better casinos/hotels to stay at etc. My mom actually runs a site dedicated to that (can't believe I'm promoting my mom lol) . If you need anything else then don't hesitate to ask. I don't know the policy the board regarding links so I don't want to get in trouble putting the link of her site up.
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Re: Newbie Question Hi Marcus and :welcome to the Lounge. :ok I have a question if you don't mind. I'm off to Vegas this weekend and will be staying at Caesars Palace - can you tell me what the dress code is like (if any)? Thanks in advance. :)

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Re: Newbie Question

Hi Marcus and :welcome to the Lounge. :ok I have a question if you don't mind. I'm off to Vegas this weekend and will be staying at Caesars Palace - can you tell me what the dress code is like (if any)? Thanks in advance. :)
Depends, for the casino itself? It's as casual as you want. There are no dress codes for casinos here. Sometimes in the strip casinos tho if you go to a fancy restaurant they require dress clothes. If you plan to go to a fancy restaurant then pack just a set of dress clothes for that. But on the casino you can wear a t-shirt and jeans all you want, there is no fancy dress code on the casino floors other then wearing a shirt and pants lol
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Re: Newbie Question

No problem mate' date=' I hope you enjoy your visit here. You gonna be playing table games or you a slot person?[/quote'] I'm sure I will! :loon I qualified for the Pokerdome (details here), so will be playing that. Apart from that, I'm not sure what I'll be doing!
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Re: Newbie Question

I'm sure I will! :loon I qualified for the Pokerdome (details here), so will be playing that. Apart from that, I'm not sure what I'll be doing!
Nice one, do us proud then! And when you win give a shout out to Punters Lounge lol If you play any table games (blackjack, let it ride, carribean stud poker, etc..) my advice for that is to watch the table before you join. The whole purpose of coming to Vegas is to have fun of course, you wanna win money but if you have fun doing it then it makes it all better. Just watch the tables, see how the people are. Sometimes you can get stuck at a bad table where everyone is quiet, or there is some idiot there cussing out everyone and the dealer. No one wants to put up with that. The biggest mistake tho for joining a table game is watching to see how the table is doing and just joining because everyone is winning. When dealing with blackjack you will have great deals and you will have horrible deals. Just because its great one deal doesn't mean it will be great the next. Your from Essex so I'm sure you can throw many a drink down. ;)
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Re: Newbie Question

Nice one' date=' do us proud then! And when you win give a shout out to Punters Lounge lol If you play any table games (blackjack, let it ride, carribean stud poker, etc..) my advice for that is to watch the table before you join. The whole purpose of coming to Vegas is to have fun of course, you wanna win money but if you have fun doing it then it makes it all better. Just watch the tables, see how the people are. Sometimes you can get stuck at a bad table where everyone is quiet, or there is some idiot there cussing out everyone and the dealer. No one wants to put up with that. The biggest mistake tho for joining a table game is watching to see how the table is doing and just joining because everyone is winning. When dealing with blackjack you will have great deals and you will have horrible deals. Just because its great one deal doesn't mean it will be great the next.[/quote'] I've hardly ever played blackjack. More than likely I will spunk the free $500 on the roulette table! :tongue2 :lol I try my best! ;)
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Re: Newbie Question

:welcome to the poker section Marcus. Us Essex boys don't drink, never touch a drop. I'm sure the PL crowd from Thursday night will confirm this. ;)
haha, thats like saying I don't drink ;) And considering I'm 3/4th's of hte way through a 1.75 liter of Bourbon I'm just a dirty liar. And yes I know, damn us for not using the metric system lol I had to edit this thing because I put ML instead of liter, man i suck lol
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Re: Newbie Question

That's OK' date=' nor do we really. We still buys pints of beer, not litres. Which reminds me, our pints are bigger than yours. :ok[/quote'] Very true, I envy you guys on that. I get a glass of lager here and its a horrible small amount. I really have to visit there soon, I'm sure I'll fit in nice drinking wise ;)
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Re: Newbie Question BTW if anyone is reading this that follows me in my baseball posts. I started drinking after I went through the early games and posted my play for the early games. So your safe. Don't want people think I'm just some drunken idiot picking games lol Trust me, your safe. I never bet when I'm drinking. I learned my lesson years ago.

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Re: Newbie Question :welcome To the Poker Lounge Marcus. How does it work out for you time wise? You must have made the initial post around 1pm, most of the leagues games we end up playing should be around lunchtime for you I should imagine. You seriously want to be out of bed by lunchtime??:unsure

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Re: Newbie Question I was going through grade school when there was the big thing about the US might be switching to the metric system. So we all got taught it and of course we never switched over. I don't remember a damn thing from that. But then again I don't remember much from the 4 years of French I took in high school

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Re: Newbie Question

:welcome To the Poker Lounge Marcus. How does it work out for you time wise? You must have made the initial post around 1pm, most of the leagues games we end up playing should be around lunchtime for you I should imagine. You seriously want to be out of bed by lunchtime??:unsure
Right now its about 4 a.m here. From GMT time my time is 8 hours behind. I stay up very late so I can catch the early morning tournaments. I can still catch many of the tournaments if I know about them ahead of time.
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Re: Newbie Question

:welcome to the poker section of PL Marcus. I'm sure you'll enjoy our league games. Good laugh and loads of friendly people :ok
Thanks, I'm seeing that. Ton of friendly people here, I'm having a great time here. Definately gonna be my home posting for a long time. You guys can teach me more and more about the European sports and I'll try my best to teach you guys about the American sports.
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Re: Newbie Question Marcus, I love my NFL, and get constantly told NFL is rugby for pussies, Baseball is Rounders (a girls game over here) and not a patch on cricket. Basketball and Ice Hockey seem to avoid most ridicule. For me, I'm a Raiders fan, although we have (in the poker community), a Packers, a Saints, and a Colts fan too. :welcome to the poker bit ;)

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Re: Newbie Question

Marcus, I love my NFL, and get constantly told NFL is rugby for pussies, Baseball is Rounders (a girls game over here) and not a patch on cricket. Basketball and Ice Hockey seem to avoid most ridicule. For me, I'm a Raiders fan, although we have (in the poker community), a Packers, a Saints, and a Colts fan too. :welcome to the poker bit ;)
Thanks my friend. But I must say before you say American Football is Rugby for pussies, you gotta come here and play in a competitive game to find out. I've played American Football most of my life, I dislocated my knee because of it and had to have surgery. I know rugby players are hard ass but trust me, American Football is very very tough. Just imagine some 6'6, 300 guy running at you with his only purpose to injure you and take the ball away from you. It's definately not a pussy sport, and I invite anyone that think that to play a competitive league here. With that said I know rugby players are some damn tough guys, I will never deny that. But like I said, American Football is very brutal as well. I think both sports are very brutal equally. As for baseball, I've always said its cricket just shortened down on innings ;) But at least in cricket your padded up well, in baseball you got a pitcher throwing fastballs 90 mph plus at you with only protection on your elbow. And if you get hit, your feeling it for days.
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Re: Newbie Question I'm on your side Marcus, believe me! Would have loved to have at least tried to play NFL, but there aren't too many teams over here. I think I'd have liked to have tried out as an inside linebacker, although Waterboy would be good too.:lol

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Re: Newbie Question

I'm on your side Marcus, believe me! Would have loved to have at least tried to play NFL, but there aren't too many teams over here. I think I'd have liked to have tried out as an inside linebacker, although Waterboy would be good too.:lol
lol you and me both. It's a very rough league to get into. Some of the best college football players are stuck playing either NFL Europe or the Canadian Football League. Continutally each year I'm amazed at some college players that I followed the whole year and found to be very good not drafted into the NFL because the level of talent is just so much higher. And btw I knew you were on my side, I was just saying that to anyone thinks the NFL is tamer then rugby. Gotta play it before you say its tamer. So it wasn't directed at you lol
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