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Claiming Cash From Mansion


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I'm soooo scared incase i mess this up. Playing $5 rebuy on mansion 4 of us left and 3 pay. 1 guy not got enough for next bb and i got 30k more than anyone but i still fear im going to mess up :\ $190 = 1st $114 = 2nd $76 = 3rd :hope :hope :hope

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Guest gazza271

Re: Nervous

Thankyou guys.... sorry gazza for putting you out :\ . Really enjoyed that game and only $5 no rebuys too :nana :nana :nana I think this is a new personal best for me :D
Top result mate, You were playing well and I knew you would win it. :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap Just sorry I could not stay round to cheers you on, Away today :( and still got loads to sort out. You should email ugglyguy and thank him for adding about $200 to the pot :lol :lol :lol Well done :clap
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Re: Nervous

Top result mate, You were playing well and I knew you would win it. :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap Just sorry I could not stay round to cheers you on, Away today :( and still got loads to sort out. You should email ugglyguy and thank him for adding about $200 to the pot :lol :lol :lol Well done :clap
Yeah he was a madman but thankyou for your $$$ Ugglyman :nana Thanks everyone :ok Now i tried to withdraw £100 today and it said i cant that they need a copy of the both sides of my debitcard and my passport :\ . Is this normal????
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Re: Nervous

Yeah he was a madman but thankyou for your $$$ Ugglyman :nana Thanks everyone :ok Now i tried to withdraw £100 today and it said i cant that they need a copy of the both sides of my debitcard and my passport :\ . Is this normal????
It is stated on their T & C's so I knew about it before I deposited. I had to spend £47 of my winnings on a scanner and have sent them what they require, had the following email from them: > Thank you for providing us with your ID documentation which have been received today and passed to our Finance Department for verification. In most circumstances the documentation you provide is sufficient. However, occasionally we require further information before you are able to request your withdrawal. In view of this, please allow 48 hours for the documents to be verified before requesting a withdrawal. Should we require further information, we will contact you within 48 hours from receipt of your documents. > I had never had a scanner but it is realy good.
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Re: Nervous I have one of those all in one scanner/photocopiers but unfortunately ewan opened it all up and now it says its not closed when it is :\ . Guess i'll have to use my sisters but im very concerned about them needing copies of all my stuff including the code on back of my card. Isn't anyone else suspicious of this ? :unsure

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Re: Nervous OMG i just rang the number for mansion and was greeted by a voice saying very quietly "hello". i said hello is that mansion poker?? long silence.............. yes.......another long silence...............i said hello??........long silence....... nothing...... so i hung up and rang again and of course this time i got hello mansion poker how can i help.... Whats that all about? Now if i wasnt suspicious before i definately am now :\

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Re: Nervous

I have one of those all in one scanner/photocopiers but unfortunately ewan opened it all up and now it says its not closed when it is :\ . Guess i'll have to use my sisters but im very concerned about them needing copies of all my stuff including the code on back of my card. Isn't anyone else suspicious of this ? :unsure
Red - You are right to not want to send them all the information on the back of your card. I suggest that you do the following: 1. Ring them on 0800 404 7748. 2. Tell them that you'll send them the copies they require but only if they will accept the back of the debit card with the 3 digit security code blanked out. If they object to this then tell them that they are asking you to break the contract that you have with your bank that requires you to safeguard PINs and other security codes. Do you know how to use Microsoft Paint? It's easy to edit a JPEG using Paint.
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Re: Nervous

Red - You are right to not want to send them all the information on the back of your card. I suggest that you do the following: 1. Ring them on 0800 404 7748. 2. Tell them that you'll send them the copies they require but only if they will accept the back of the debit card with the 3 digit security code blanked out. If they object to this then tell them that they are asking you to break the contract that you have with your bank that requires you to safeguard PINs and other security codes. Do you know how to use Microsoft Paint? It's easy to edit a JPEG using Paint.
Yes i asked them if i could blank these numbers out and he said yes so i guess im a little less panicky now. Cheers Colu :notworthy
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Re: Nervous

OMG i just rang the number for mansion and was greeted by a voice saying very quietly "hello". i said hello is that mansion poker?? long silence.............. yes.......another long silence...............i said hello??........long silence....... nothing...... so i hung up and rang again and of course this time i got hello mansion poker how can i help.... Whats that all about? Now if i wasnt suspicious before i definately am now :\
Hopefully it was just a new person working there for support, if not then that person should be fired.
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Re: Nervous I've heard nothing but good things about Mansion so you should be safe. I've been in the same situation calling into books that I know are reputable and get a customer service person that seems like they are half asleep fielding the call.

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Re: Nervous

Yes i asked them if i could blank these numbers out and he said yes so i guess im a little less panicky now. Cheers Colu :notworthy
No probs mate. Also if you have a digital camera you can always take a photo of your card and passport rather than have to go to your sisters to use her scanner. If you have any problems using Paint, let me know and I'll talk you through how to do it.
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Re: Nervous

OMG i just rang the number for mansion and was greeted by a voice saying very quietly "hello". i said hello is that mansion poker?? long silence.............. yes.......another long silence...............i said hello??........long silence....... nothing...... so i hung up and rang again and of course this time i got hello mansion poker how can i help.... Whats that all about? Now if i wasnt suspicious before i definately am now :\
Maybe they were monitoring the tables, and had just seen what Jaded raised with?
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Re: Nervous

No probs mate. Also if you have a digital camera you can always take a photo of your card and passport rather than have to go to your sisters to use her scanner. If you have any problems using Paint' date=' let me know and I'll talk you through how to do it.[/quote'] Your soooooooooo clever. Will try that now because my sister isnt home :ok and lol @ slap :rollin :rollin :rollin
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Re: Nervous On their FAQ they say you can block out part of the card number providing you leave the last 4 digits clearly visible. I used Neteller to deposit so do not have to scan any cards. My only worry about this company is the fact that they are to sponser Spurs next season :loon

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Re: Nervous Don't see what the fuss is about to be honest as I've sent my credit and debit card details to sites like Bet&Win and Centrebet without some phantom withdrawals/transactions occuring although yeah, I understand the 'safety first' angle just in case something did happen. :\

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Re: Nervous

Maybe they were monitoring the tables, and had just seen what Jaded raised with?
I realise I'm about a week late noticing this - but OI!!!! Y'all talk about me like my name's a byword for maniac! :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
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