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tonights dome qualifier **THURSDAY**

the croc

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Re: tonights dome qualifier 4th for me. But Mr V in the final 2! Did have a delightful runner runner against a numpty called Mr Pow though. Seemed to think I had no right to call with A 10 diamonds suited versus KK. If I had KNOWN he had KK.... Still he caught trips, and the flop brought 1 diamond. Runner Runner later and I had wiped out most of his stack. He came onto the final table and was moaning about it all the time, yet accused us of bringing it up. If you see him, mention it, bound to put him on tilt!!! Cmon Mr V!!:hope

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Re: tonights dome qualifier **** me I played well! :lol :lol :lol :lol The one person I didn't want to play was SaloonHal. :eyes Thank you all, especially Rosie (who was counting down from 100 I think :lol) and to Gaf, P-Lady and Kev who weren't even playing, but stayed up til this ungodly hour. Well done too, to the croc, dfence (come on mate - post a bit more ;)), and Spurman. :clap :clap :clap :clap Time for bed ;) Thanks again guys. I just got a shit-eating grin from the banter off you lot. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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Re: tonights dome qualifier Oh, and by the way. Tonights heat was for a seat on the 10th of June. Most of you will know thats when England play, but its also the date of my neices wedding, and despite my protestations, the wedding is going ahead....:( :( :( :( You know something when the date was announced I was only allowed to miss the wedding on one condition..... That I was in Vegas... :lol

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Re: tonights dome qualifier

Oh, and by the way. Tonights heat was for a seat on the 10th of June. Most of you will know thats when England play, but its also the date of my neices wedding, and despite my protestations, the wedding is going ahead....:( :( :( :( You know something when the date was announced I was only allowed to miss the wedding on one condition..... That I was in Vegas... :lol
He - isn't kidding either - :unsure Well played Mr - :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy a Valiant effort. :tongue2
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Re: tonights dome qualifier

Oh, and by the way. Tonights heat was for a seat on the 10th of June. Most of you will know thats when England play, but its also the date of my neices wedding, and despite my protestations, the wedding is going ahead....:( :( :( :( You know something when the date was announced I was only allowed to miss the wedding on one condition..... That I was in Vegas... :lol
:unsure Weddings? :unsure When England play? :unsure Have a word lad!
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Re: tonights dome qualifier I'm sorry you missed out Mr V because obviously you wouldn't of played it unless you wanted to win it. For me, getting a seat at the back of the plane on a Friday morning, stuck there for 10 hours, jet lagged in Vegas for 2 days, then back in the plane for another 10 hours, sounds like some kind of hell.

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Re: tonights dome qualifier

I'm sorry you missed out Mr V because obviously you wouldn't of played it unless you wanted to win it. For me, getting a seat at the back of the plane on a Friday morning, stuck there for 10 hours, jet lagged in Vegas for 2 days, then back in the plane for another 10 hours, sounds like some kind of hell.
I'm sure if you had a Thursday night like the last one you wouldn't even notice the flight on Friday -:D
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Re: tonights dome qualifier I know I will get an email from Mansion in the next day or so as I sent them my ID in order to be able to withdraw and they verify it. When I see an email from them in my box I will be to nervous to open the **** thing! :hope

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Re: tonights dome qualifier nice one Mr.V shame it wasnt first :( , but its about time you had a good game (as youv had quite a few bad beats recently) to get that confidence back for some proper ass whooping! PL watch out!!

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Re: tonights dome qualifier **THURSDAY** and he does it!!!!!! very well played kev :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap :cow:cow:cow:cow:cow:cow :nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana Straight flush on the final hand - way to go!!! ps - how many hats will you be wearing in Vegas???:lol

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Re: tonights dome qualifier **THURSDAY** OMG :loon Thanks to everyone for their support! I really really appreciated it. Now, who's going to give me some hats for Vegas :unsure :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow

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