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My Strongest Game???

the croc

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normally i play head to head limit $10 up to $20,mtt up to $20 rebuys or cash games $1-2 limit,overall i have been pretty succesfull.decided today to give the stt's a go.$10+1 on goal poker.now not sure if the standard of play is bad but just sitting back waiting for the hands and playing them strongly has been a great success. played 3,won 1,2nd in 2.$33 staked,$99 return. maybe ive been playing the wrong games before :)

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Re: My Strongest Game??? different sites have different levels of players at different times, mornings and afternoons you want to be on an american site, evenings it doesnt matter, and if you're doing a night shift and you're awake, a european one. at least by changing my games like that i find i do better

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Re: My Strongest Game???

normally i play head to head limit $10 up to $20,mtt up to $20 rebuys or cash games $1-2 limit,overall i have been pretty succesfull.decided today to give the stt's a go.$10+1 on goal poker.now not sure if the standard of play is bad but just sitting back waiting for the hands and playing them strongly has been a great success. played 3,won 1,2nd in 2.$33 staked,$99 return. maybe ive been playing the wrong games before :)
make that played 4,2 wins,2 seconds.$44 staked,$144 return :tongue2
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Re: My Strongest Game??? Hi Croc - I play most of my poker on the 10 or 20 dollar STTs on Goalpoker. The standard is not too bad but as has already been said if you play in the morning you do get lucky with frustrated Americans who are half cut and have been up all night. But you are right if you wait for the hands and don't chase you will, more often than not finish in the money.

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