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Sporting Odds STT


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Just playing in a $3.00-.30 10 man STT and this happens first hand: Hand #312132710 at table: STT $3 NL Started: Sat May 27 12:27:30 2006 forget me is at seat 1 with 1500.00 dart1 is at seat 2 with 1485.00 TaxMonkey1 is at seat 3 with 1470.00 Yashari is at seat 4 with 1500.00 trishop is at seat 5 with 1500.00 Blaabar is at seat 6 with 1500.00 zwyc is at seat 7 with 1500.00 Del_Roca is at seat 8 with 1500.00 Robi001 is at seat 9 with 1500.00 Znachor is at seat 10 with 1500.00 TaxMonkey1 posts the large blind 30.00 dart1 posts the small blind 15.00 dart1: --, -- TaxMonkey1: Js, Jc Yashari: --, -- trishop: --, -- Blaabar: --, -- zwyc: --, -- Del_Roca: --, -- Robi001: --, -- Znachor: --, -- forget me: --, -- Pre-flop: Yashari: Fold trishop: Call 30.00 Blaabar: Fold zwyc: Call 30.00 Del_Roca: Fold Robi001: Fold Znachor: Fold forget me: Call 30.00 dart1: Call 30.00 TaxMonkey1: Raise 120.00 trishop: Call 120.00 zwyc: Call 120.00 forget me: Call 120.00 dart1: Call 120.00 Flop (Board: Jd, 3d, 10c): dart1: Check TaxMonkey1: Bet 600.00 trishop: Fold zwyc: Raise 1200.00 forget me: Fold dart1: Call 1200.00 TaxMonkey1: All in zwyc: All in dart1: All in Showdown: dart1 shows: 3h, Ac (a pair of Threes) TaxMonkey1 shows: Js, Jc (three of a kind, Jacks) zwyc shows: 7s, Jh (a pair of Jacks) Turn (Board: Jd, 3d, 10c, Ah): River (Board: Jd, 3d, 10c, Ah, 9h): Mainpot: TaxMonkey1 wins the pot of 4740 with three of a kind, Jacks (0.00 rake were taken for this hand) :rollin:lol :rollin:lol

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