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Got AA? Let You Down? Stood Up? Post It Here!


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Re: Got AA? Let You Down? Stood Up? Post It Here! Nope, running flush :puke Hand #312207613 at table: STT $10 NL Started: Sat May 27 13:54:42 2006 shooter 4 is at seat 1 with 3425.00 bungee is at seat 3 with 4605.00 STEAUA_ is at seat 4 with 880.00 ollamesa is at seat 7 with 2430.00 gary232 is at seat 8 with 1805.00 meli is at seat 9 with 1780.00 meli posts the large blind 50.00 gary232 posts the small blind 25.00 gary232: Ac, As meli: --, -- shooter 4: --, -- bungee: --, -- STEAUA_: --, -- ollamesa: --, -- Pre-flop: shooter 4: Fold bungee: Fold STEAUA_: Call 50.00 ollamesa: Fold gary232: Raise 200.00 meli: Call 200.00 STEAUA_: Call 200.00 Flop (Board: Ks, 9c, Qh): gary232: Bet 500.00 meli: Fold STEAUA_: All in gary232: Call 680.00 Showdown: STEAUA_ shows: Kh, 3h (a pair of Kings) gary232 shows: Ac, As (a pair of Aces) Turn (Board: Ks, 9c, Qh, Ah): River (Board: Ks, 9c, Qh, Ah, 2h): STEAUA_ shows: Kh, 3h (ace high flush) Mainpot: STEAUA_ wins the pot of 1960 with ace high flush (0.00 rake were taken for this hand) :wall :@ :wall

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Re: Got AA? Let You Down? Stood Up? Post It Here! I watched 2 players on a pot limit $0.12/$0.25 cash table yesterday drag each other all-in by the time the river hit. The pot got to $65 and when it came to showdown they both turned over AA. Unfortunately for one of them the other had hit a diamond flush! :eek

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Re: Got AA? Let You Down? Stood Up? Post It Here! Can't get Mansion hand history to work, but was on a 25c/50c cash game there last night. A maniac was to my right, who'd already done about $80. I got AA, he raised to $10, so I raised all in $35, guy to my left raised all in $80, and the maniac called - so a pot of about $150 :unsure Flop Q6T, turn J, river J. Maniac turns over TT :@ :wall :@

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Re: Got AA? Let You Down? Stood Up? Post It Here! i made a girl cry once in the gutshot because of AA....... wsop qualifier 12 seats available average blinds (memorys a bit bad for exact numbers etc) 8 on the table not far from the bubble and 3 folds to her, she raises 3x the blind folds round to me in the bb, i'm a bit shortstacked and push all in with JJ, she calls, cards on their backs, she has AA and claps her hands together laughing, flop comes K-A-7 rainbow, she says well played, good game etc to me and i'm picking up my jacket........ Turn .....Jack River......JACK!!! i heard her scream before i even saw the cards, so i clapped my hands together and laughed like she did and said well played, she tryed to smile back but i could see tears in her eyes and she walked off for 20 minutes on probably the biggest tilt ever!!!

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Re: Got AA? Let You Down? Stood Up? Post It Here!

i made a girl cry once in the gutshot because of AA....... wsop qualifier 12 seats available average blinds (memorys a bit bad for exact numbers etc) 8 on the table not far from the bubble and 3 folds to her, she raises 3x the blind folds round to me in the bb, i'm a bit shortstacked and push all in with JJ, she calls, cards on their backs, she has AA and claps her hands together laughing, flop comes K-A-7 rainbow, she says well played, good game etc to me and i'm picking up my jacket........ Turn .....Jack River......JACK!!! i heard her scream before i even saw the cards, so i clapped my hands together and laughed like she did and said well played, she tryed to smile back but i could see tears in her eyes and she walked off for 20 minutes on probably the biggest tilt ever!!!
Well, I hope you're proud of yourself :tongue2
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Re: Got AA? Let You Down? Stood Up? Post It Here! it definately didnt stand up for this guy ... serves him right for limping only calling a single raise from the QQ i felt a bit harsh for laughing out loud like that after, i did apologise and say gg to them aaqqbeatlol3zw.jpg

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Re: Got AA? Let You Down? Stood Up? Post It Here! Bout a week ago was my last AA bad beat. Was in a 10 player sit and go and this one guy just continually kept going all in (did it like 4 times in a row) He finally got called and showed a K-6 against an A-K, he of course got lucky and hit a 6 on the turn and won. So of course he went all in again the next hand. I get AA, call it and he shows an As and 5d. Flop comes out, 2 spades in the flop. Turn comes, another spade, then of course the river comes, yet another spade. Was just horrible, to watch someone that has no clue how to play poker get lucky 2 straight times like that.

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Re: Got AA? Let You Down? Stood Up? Post It Here! AA should hold up heads up about 89% of the time, against a full table, your expectation of winning is less than 50%. If you can't bully them off early, you can expect to lose quite a lot

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Re: Got AA? Let You Down? Stood Up? Post It Here! I busted out of the Mansion $500 added the other day with AA. Raised from 200 blind to 500, with one hesitant caller. Flop comes K rag rag, and with 1300 in the pot I bet 300. He calls. J on the turn. I bet 600. He calls. Rag on the river.. he raises me all in and I call. He's got a set of jacks. Thinking about it afterwards I should've bet more on the flop - 900 perhaps, to represent AK. Still... I thought I had him crushed, so I wanted him to call then go all in. Knickers.

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Re: Got AA? Let You Down? Stood Up? Post It Here! Just got a fair bit playing limit cash games with rockets :) (Well, fair by my standards anyway!!) ** Game ID 817646625 starting - 2006-06-04 19:37:32 ** Anna [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 Fixed Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - Basil67 sitting in seat 1 with $104.75 - Toke72 sitting in seat 2 with $49.25 [sitting out] - asrobin sitting in seat 3 with $51.00 - RLesink sitting in seat 4 with $23.25 - MouseEars sitting in seat 5 with $26.70 [sitting out] - poolwiz1 sitting in seat 6 with $20.00 - JadedJ sitting in seat 7 with $25.00 - polska101 sitting in seat 8 with $6.25 - Iarwain sitting in seat 9 with $46.50 - Frick2 sitting in seat 10 with $12.25 [Dealer] Basil67 posted the small blind - $0.25 asrobin posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: Ace of Hearts, Ace of Clubs RLesink folded poolwiz1 folded JadedJ raised - $1.00 polska101 called - $1.00 Iarwain folded Frick2 folded Basil67 raised - $1.50 asrobin folded JadedJ raised - $2.00 polska101 called - $2.00 Basil67 called - $2.00 ** Dealing the flop: 5 of Clubs, 5 of Hearts, 7 of Clubs Basil67 checked JadedJ bet - $0.50 polska101 raised - $1.00 Basil67 raised - $1.50 JadedJ raised - $2.00 polska101 called - $2.00 Basil67 called - $2.00 ** Dealing the turn: 2 of Spades Basil67 checked JadedJ bet - $1.00 polska101 called - $1.00 Basil67 called - $1.00 ** Dealing the river: 5 of Spades Basil67 checked JadedJ bet - $1.00 polska101 went all-in - $1.25 Basil67 called - $1.25 JadedJ called - $1.25 polska101 shows: Ace of Diamonds, 7 of Diamonds Basil67 mucks: 10 of Spades, 10 of Diamonds JadedJ shows: Ace of Hearts, Ace of Clubs JadedJ wins $18.50 from the main pot End of game 817646625

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