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Sporting Odds World Cup Freeolls


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Re: Sporting Odds World Cup Freeolls

finished 40th for $40.00
n1 - frisky, went out on the 41 bubble for $30. My all-in with A10 only got me the side-pot as A3 got pair 3's. All-in then with big blind Q10 so small blind calls with 62 & gets the 2 :( Oh well - what fun that was, lost count of how many times I got kicked off of both SO & virgin. Not easy either with two games especially when one pc is hooked into an old 14" tv where I can barely make out the cards and hadn't got sound hooked in - kept sitting out by mistake.
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Re: Sporting Odds World Cup Freeolls Have to say - even though freeroll i am pissed when this happens. you may not pay money to enter but you give up valuable time which could be used winning money else where. :( i haven't used boss media sites for a while because of all disconnects. when i play i want to lose cos of how bad a player i am rather than cos of software:ok

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Re: Sporting Odds World Cup Freeolls Just had to laugh with the day I had at work. Spend all day trying desperately to build reports against a database that is grinding to halt, people squeaking at me 'cos nothing works & everything is timing out. Trying also to analyze the database on a box not fit for testing let alone a live system, combine that with network problems when all pc's in office keep freezing. What happens, I come home for a nice relaxing game of poker & aaaaargh.. :wall Reckon the company I work for must have an unknown sideline in Poker sites!!

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Re: Sporting Odds World Cup Freeolls

Just had to laugh with the day I had at work. Spend all day trying desperately to build reports against a database that is grinding to halt, people squeaking at me 'cos nothing works & everything is timing out. Trying also to analyze the database on a box not fit for testing let alone a live system, combine that with network problems when all pc's in office keep freezing. What happens, I come home for a nice relaxing game of poker & aaaaargh.. :wall Reckon the company I work for must have an unknown sideline in Poker sites!!
:rollin:rollin:rollin It's YOUR fault - PL ChAAAAAAAARGE!!!! :lol:lol
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Re: Sporting Odds World Cup Freeolls

Just had to laugh with the day I had at work. Spend all day trying desperately to build reports against a database that is grinding to halt, people squeaking at me 'cos nothing works & everything is timing out. Trying also to analyze the database on a box not fit for testing let alone a live system, combine that with network problems when all pc's in office keep freezing. What happens, I come home for a nice relaxing game of poker & aaaaargh.. :wall Reckon the company I work for must have an unknown sideline in Poker sites!!
So it's not Boss Media that you work for?? :lol
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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Sporting Odds World Cup Freeolls Just gone out of tonight's in 70th for $20. :D Actually I'm mega :D :D :D seeing as it was full when I thought about registering and I only got in by sitting with my finger on the mouse for 20 mins hoping someone would unreg. WOOHOO. (and a new entry for the PB thread)

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