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$20,000 freeroll QUALIFIERS


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EDIT: Seems it's Boss Wide not just Poker.co.uk. Not much info that I can find bar whats showing when you try to enter. 25 raked hands needed. Quoted from Game info "Win entry into the $20 000 freeroll on the 25th of June at 14.00 GMT where first place will win $5000 to enter you have to have played 25 raked hands in the last 24 hours" Thats all the info so start digging for more. games seem to start TODAY 13.30GMT(30 mins to go) 16.30GMT 19.30GMT 22.00GMT 01.00GMT

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Re: Poker.co.uk. $20,000 freeroll QUALIFIERS Devastated.:puke Can't believe what i've just done. Was cruising in the qualifier with 16 left, 3rd with over 100,000 in chips, and i know only top 10 qualify. Dealt 10 10, so make a 12,000 raise and big stack directly to my left, ( loose as a goose and calling with anything), calls me of course. The flop comes 9 J Q, so i lead out with a half pot bet, and he re-raises me 2x my bet, and for some reason i call. turn is a blank and he bets 32,000 and i've only got 48,000. Have to fold it. He then shows me his Q9 the fcuker. After that i'm dealt absolutley fcuk all, and i know what ever i push with will get called by the git to my left or the the 2nd biggest stack to his left. And i'm just hoping others lose their heads and go out first. plenty of all-ins on both tables, but their all surviving. then i'm down to about 28,000 on the BB which takes 12,000 off me with Q7. Big stack calls and SB makes up the difference, flop comes 2 2 7 with 2 clubs. So i think sod it, and put the rest of my chips in. they both call me turn 6, river 3 of clubs. SB bets and it's obvious he's hit it. I'm out in 12th.:puke :wall :@ :puke Learn't a big lesson tonight. went to the bog nearly :puke but jut took a leak. Came back and the're all saying we've done it and well done, woohoo. Why oh why oh why am i such C**T.:spank :spank

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