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ibiza flight times


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Re: ibiza flight times Can Goalpoker get a grip here for a second? How the hell do you expect everyone to make an 8am start time - do you have any clue about organisation at all? If you're willing to put the qualifiers up in hotels in London then great, but otherwise you really do need to learn how to organise a trip - I give lessons at £500 per minute.

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Re: ibiza flight times

Can Goalpoker get a grip here for a second? How the hell do you expect everyone to make an 8am start time - do you have any clue about organisation at all? If you're willing to put the qualifiers up in hotels in London then great, but otherwise you really do need to learn how to organise a trip - I give lessons at £500 per minute.
The real sadness of it all, is that when we make a valid complaint about it all, they get sarcastic and call us names......classy!
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Re: ibiza flight times

The real sadness of it all' date=' is that when we make a valid complaint about it all, they get sarcastic and call us names......classy![/quote'] you're lucky, i dont get any reply back at all from then.All i know about the trip is whats posted on the forum.you're not all playing one big joke on me are you.The flight times are a joke.Beggining to think its not worth the hassle especially as goalpokers idea of a vip trip is a p*** up on a beach and getting to watch the world cup on a big telly.
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Re: ibiza flight times

you're lucky' date=' i dont get any reply back at all from then.All i know about the trip is whats posted on the forum.you're not all playing one big joke on me are you.The flight times are a joke.Beggining to think its not worth the hassle especially as goalpokers idea of a vip trip is a p*** up on a beach and getting to watch the world cup on a big telly.[/quote'] I think you are all being a little harsh on Goalpoker here and the north south divide talk is not really constructive either. I thought it would be obvious that the flight would be going from the south and it is definately not Goalpokers fault that winners have to come from Scotland and Northern England. They have already said they are willing to arrange alternatives but the idea was everyone together on the same plane with champagne, models, poker etc. Bash having experienced a Goalpoker VIP trip I think your simplistic view is way offline and my advice you would be if its too much hassle then dont bother. I dont mind hooking up with a few Plers in London, paying my own way and getting on the plane with 20 maxim girls and drinking myself blind for two days. It certainly beats eating sour grapes in a high street pub buying my own cheap lager and eating pork scratchings.
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Re: ibiza flight times fair enough,maybe i have been a little harsh.but maybe if they communicated a bit better with the winners and told us exactly what kind of weekend they've got lined up for us what else can they expect.Although the thought of 20 maxim models,champagne and poker is sounding better by the minute.Do you know what they have got lined up for us?They seem to have forgotten to tell me anything about it.

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Re: ibiza flight times

fair enough' date='maybe i have been a little harsh.but maybe if they communicated a bit better with the winners and told us exactly what kind of weekend they've got lined up for us what else can they expect.Although the thought of 20 maxim models,champagne and poker is sounding better by the minute.Do you know what they have got lined up for us?They seem to have forgotten to tell me anything about it.[/quote'] I agree they can be a little shy at communicating sometimes but if you think about it the competition isnt finished yet there are still more games plus the maxim final and the trip is still weeks away. Once all the winners are finalised I'm sure they will provide a full schedule as they did for Paris.
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Re: ibiza flight times

I think you are all being a little harsh on Goalpoker here and the north south divide talk is not really constructive either. I thought it would be obvious that the flight would be going from the south and it is definately not Goalpokers fault that winners have to come from Scotland and Northern England. They have already said they are willing to arrange alternatives but the idea was everyone together on the same plane with champagne, models, poker etc. Bash having experienced a Goalpoker VIP trip I think your simplistic view is way offline and my advice you would be if its too much hassle then dont bother. I dont mind hooking up with a few Plers in London, paying my own way and getting on the plane with 20 maxim girls and drinking myself blind for two days. It certainly beats eating sour grapes in a high street pub buying my own cheap lager and eating pork scratchings.
Cheers MCFC. And apologies if any of you have taken my light hearted banter to heart. Bash, it's weird that you haven't recieved my emails as I've sent a few. There will be a lot more Ibiza detail to come for all the winners.
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Re: ibiza flight times here here mcfc. With a little effort you can get to gatwick easily and cheaply. i think goalpoker has supplied a first class prize, and if they look after us aswell as they did for the champ league boys, it will be a weekend to remember. Its a weekend of like minded people partying for free, in a nice hotel in ibiza, all for the price of a trip to gatwick. get real boys.

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Re: ibiza flight times

Cheers MCFC. And apologies if any of you have taken my light hearted banter to heart. Bash' date=' it's weird that you haven't recieved my emails as I've sent a few. There will be a lot more Ibiza detail to come for all the winners.[/quote'] Its not the light hearted banter thats getting to us, so dont worry about that, but when you look at it from our point of view, its gonna be pretty costly for a 2 night break to ibiza London is bad enough to get to without having to be there before 6am in the morning, there is no alternitive but to stay over for a lot of us. With the silly prices of airport hotels and the cost of travelling to london along with food, drink etc its gonna be at least £100 per person before we even get to ibiza. I beleive i was one of the 1st players from punters lounge to use goal poker and have defended you to the hilt at times, but you dont make things easy for yourselves. Its not the fact that were flying from london, its the time of the flight thats annoying Anyway you can look into this at all for us? perhaps get it put back a few hours? or possibly get a goal poker hotel for us to use in London? I look forward to any sensible replies ;) morls:ok
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Re: ibiza flight times Nice to see the Whippet Worrier back and on form :cheers but on a serious note, I have kept SOOOOOOOO quiet about GP for a while but as it seems to be "Air your grievances" time.................. FOUR days ago I sent an E-mail to Ted saying I had problems logging in, this was ignored but the rest of the E-mail was passed to Victoria. She, kindly, said she thought it would be pointed out to Ted. TWO DAYS!! later, still cant log-in, E-mail sent to Victoria who AGAIN said it would be looked into. Additioinal Mails sent to "Support"(PMSL at who ever named THAT department!!!) and after FOUR F***ING DAYS????????????................ STILL CANT LOG-IN!!!!!!!!!! Never gonna resolve the North/South divide in our lifetime but be nice to go on the site.............Victoria?????

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Re: ibiza flight times Have to say you can see where Morls is coming from but hope this doesn't stop you from going mate. As MCFC says if the last Goalpoker trip is anything to go by it should be well worth it. Maybe Goalpoker could sort the Northern contingent out with a cheap hotel near Gatwick at least or cover the train costs. Or even a tourney over there for the 50 winners where we could recover some of our costs? Hint :ok And having met Victoria or Suki Tansee I am sure she was not being serious about the North South thing. She is a bright girl and would never start an argument she couldn't win. :lol

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Re: ibiza flight times I'll end on this note, it's ok for people saying "It's not that expensive to get to gatwick, hotel etc...but not everyone earns the same money, either it's all expenses paid and problems solved or the ridiculous 8am flight time will cause considerable expense to those that can't afford it. I organised a 2 day trip for 40 people recently, it takes time, logic and knowing where people are coming from and what times they are going to arrive, it's really not that difficult unless you make it difficult.

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Re: ibiza flight times

I'll end on this note, it's ok for people saying "It's not that expensive to get to gatwick, hotel etc...but not everyone earns the same money, either it's all expenses paid and problems solved or the ridiculous 8am flight time will cause considerable expense to those that can't afford it. I organised a 2 day trip for 40 people recently, it takes time, logic and knowing where people are coming from and what times they are going to arrive, it's really not that difficult unless you make it difficult.
some fair points paul.Some people seemed to get the hump with my post yesterday but as i havent had much dealings with goalpoker in the past i was only saying what i thought at the time.Ive now had an e-mail from victoria with flight times etc.And with the thought of 20 maxim models going i'll gladly pay whatever it costs to get to london.but i still think gp should put us up in a hotel for a night.
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Re: ibiza flight times your lucky bash to have had an email about it as i am still waiting, i won the thing back in february,also still waiting for ted to reply to my emails,,vics can you sort him out please,i would like to know what tourneys i can choose from,,,i won the shearer tourney weeks ago now and still no word,,,,like morlspin i have backed your corner on a number of occasions but you make it so difficult for yourselves with the lack of customer support,,,please please gp get it sorted,you have the potential to be one of the best poker sites going vics please email me,,,ty

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Re: ibiza flight times

well almost 24 hrs since my big post asking for a sensible reply' date=' and .....nothing......no suprises really[/quote'] And FIVE!! days since I mentioned my log-in problems. So I propose a MASSIVE round of :clap for GP and their continuing ability to ignore all but the most trivial problems and the fact they STILL claim to have a "Support" team!! Way to go GP!!! :ok
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Re: ibiza flight times

Hi all, Just got the email stating that i qualified in Feb and did not even know! trust me, even with all the snags about communication, they will not let you down. See ya ll there Joe
".....snags about communication,........" :rollin :rollin Joe, your gift for understatement is quite remarkable :lol You want to know how good they are???


since I first told GP about my Log-in problems and FOUR days since Victoria told me she was getting Ted to look into it. Since then......Nothing, no replies to E-mails, no response to posts in this thread.....NOTHING!! So with regard to your post, I'm really chuffed for you but please don't tell me that all will be well in the world of GP 'cos I just wont believe you. Sorry.

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Re: ibiza flight times from all those up north we hired a car and a travellodge outside of newastle when we came up on the 20th. split the costs between those that travelled up and it turned out that it was only50 quid each including petrol, if that aint a bargain for a gr8 nite out wt is. and if its only that much for something where u are going to have free drinks all weekend clubbing free and well hott maxim girls half naked all the time. just hiring a car and come down early its only a 3 1/2 hour journey (that's illegally tho):tongue2 :tongue2 glad your coming burnley joe, get to meet and it should be a laugh:notworthy come on croc running out of time now!!!!!:lol :lol :nana :nana

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Re: ibiza flight times booked return flights from durham /tees with bmi £43 return flying 7pm fri night coming back mon night booked travel lodge gatwick fri night £56 sleeps 4 so that me and my bro and guests for £60 each well worth paying that cos ill drink that in 1st couple of hours when we get there

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