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Completely Bad Mouthed


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Hi All, I was just playing a STT - and after a particular hand I was severely abused by one of the players - was it warranted??? I was in the BB - chip leader 6500 chips - 4 players left - one stack of 20, one stack of 900 and another of 6000 (SB). The player with 20 called first in - then the 900 stack called 200 (BB) - so I raised to 1000 with nothing - knowing the 900 stack would fold and not risk coming 4th - and he did fold. I went on to lose the hand so the 20 stack trebled up to 60. Then the 900 stack (now 700) abused me thoroughly. Now from my point of view - neither of the small stacks were any danger to me - and the 900 was giving me a free gift of 200 chips - would any of you done any differently.

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Re: Completely Bad Mouthed Serious abuse is never (ok,rarely;) warranted). Certainly not in this case. So you didn't do what he wanted you to do? So what - you're the chip leader, right? I don't know if I would have done what you did _ I don't know as chip leader theres any point getting involved when you have no hand, but I would just forget it if I were you.

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Re: Completely Bad Mouthed I wouldn't normally get involved with nothing - but I knew the worst case scenario was a gain of 180 chips - and that's why I played it. My opponent obviously wanted me to check down with him - but 200 of his chips were a lot more valuable to me than worrying about the 20 stack.

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Re: Completely Bad Mouthed Guy bad mouthing you is (IMHO) just a bad loser. You (IMHO) were totally correct in your play and (I'm sure) he would have been only too happy to have taken the bet with a decent hand. That sort of thing happens to me constantly and its a proper and valid play and anyone with any true apprecaition of the game should accept it and live with it - you had the power and you took advantage of it - to not do so would be against the nature of the game. If (for example) the guy was a pal of yours or a PLr and you didn't make the play because of that then that would have been worth a bad mouthing. Of course there are actually good reasons not to make the play as well as making it as (by just calling) you can increase the odds of the low stack getting eliminated - but which ever route you choose to go theres no justification for a bad mouthing.

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Re: Completely Bad Mouthed I would have done exactly the same as you. If he does have a hand and calls then good luck to him. Even if he does end up winning the hand, you are still in a very good position with 5.5k chips. Abusing people is completely unnecessary, he was totally out of order. Forget about the prick! Steve.

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Re: Completely Bad Mouthed Did exactly the same a couple of times in the Blue Square Bankroll Booster tonight (blinds up every 3 minutes). Certainly lost to the short stack on one of those occasions (had enough to win the other) but suffered no abuse (and ended 9th for $4). The verbal reflects badly on him not you. :ok

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Re: Completely Bad Mouthed Ridiculous!!! In your position, I WANT the 20 stack to beat me - to keep the pressure on the other player...... Is it Harrington (Yes - him again!!) who talks of keeping the bubble going when you are chip leader so that you can bully? If the 20 was the small blind and I was big blind, and everyone folded to the small stack who was all in, I MAY WELL FOLD with these stacks to keep him in the game and keep pressure on the medium stacks......

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Re: Completely Bad Mouthed Cheers Guys, Well the outcome of the tournament was that after the abuse the small stack managed to win a couple of hands - to get level with the "abuser" - unfortunately the abuser put him out at that stage. Then I put him out - did type "yes!!!!!!!!!" in the chatbox - no response. Eventually won the tournament as well - which is always good.

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