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Here fishy fishy


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Something on the Mansion thread got me thinking (a small miricle in itself:lol). I'm wondering if anyone thinks it might be a good idea to set up a fish database. My thinking goes along these lines: You fairly often come across newbies who while they learn are profitable but sooner or later (and normally sooner) they learn or go bust and your goldmine is gone. Occasionally you come across someone who thinks they are the next Doyle but actually knows less then your average losing player. Now if you keep a record of these players you can take advantage of them up to point i.e. your knowledge of that player is confined to your experiences of playing against him/her. Now say you were to combine not just yours but a whole forums experience you'd be in a much better position to take advantage of that particular player. I can see a couple of problems with this, but the advantage is quite clear you make more money because you know more about more of these types of player on more sites. As far as problems go so far I've come up with: 1) Is it cheating? It could be said that this would be a form of collusion, but so could a lot of posts on this forum such as "look at this site the players are loose". Where do you draw the line? 2) What information do you collate? I mean what is it that makes a fish, someone who is all round terrible is unlikely to stay around for long. The real money makers are the ones who play well enough to break even or make a little profit against the newbies but are out of their depth when they come up against someone who can play. 3) How do you evalute the information your given? Someone who is a fish at the $10 stt buy could be a shark at the $1/2 level and a reasonable player at $5. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts, is it posibile, is it cheating ,could it work or would it be of any benefit?

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Re: Here fishy fishy I think a database of loser's is tantamount to theft,and I think it would reflect badly on the forum to have one. Don't know what others think. I don't post here often, but this is something I would frown upon, c'mon fair play for all. :nana :nana edit coz i wanted some dancin nanas. however sentiment is still there,surely the regulars on this site have all the advantage they need.;)

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Re: Here fishy fishy Not sure I can see the problem with this and can't see why it could be considered unethical or cheating. It was something they were really pushing on Poker Night Live last night - they say people spend too much time trying to improve their own games, where once you get to a certain standard, the benefits for time spent are pretty small, and they should spend more effort on game selection and picking poor opponents, and the benefits from that would reap larger rewards ...... surely this is working together to try and help that (though practically not sure how much help it would be!!). But collusion? No way!! So I'll get the ball rolling, using my Poker Tracker Database. In the year to date, I have 128 players who I have "seen" play 500 hands or more (presumably all at laddies - though possible some are Prima). Of these, the 5 worst players (in terms of losing Big Bets per 100 Hands) are: GAZZA305 (-48.55 BB/100) GazTheBullet (-46.96 BB/100) jj121 (-24.40 BB/100) suzz27 (-21.42 BB/100) Redhomer (-17.77 BB/100)

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Re: Here fishy fishy

So I'll get the ball rolling, using my Poker Tracker Database. In the year to date, I have 128 players who I have "seen" play 500 hands or more (presumably all at laddies - though possible some are Prima). Of these, the 5 worst players (in terms of losing Big Bets per 100 Hands) are: GAZZA305 (-48.55 BB/100) GazTheBullet (-46.96 BB/100) jj121 (-24.40 BB/100) suzz27 (-21.42 BB/100) Redhomer (-17.77 BB/100)
The "flip side" may be interesting too - and players to avoid........ _______Peter__ (Not sure how many underscores) (+63.99 BB/100) Dannysix (+46.68 BB/100) 76jonthe (+42.88 BB/100) lugs007 (+34.49 BB/100) Kropotkin (+31.76 BB/100)
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Re: Here fishy fishy I am assuming you are joking here? fair play for all? you are joking right? Damo

I think a database of loser's is tantamount to theft,and I think it would reflect badly on the forum to have one. Don't know what others think. I don't post here often, but this is something I would frown upon, c'mon fair play for all. :nana :nana edit coz i wanted some dancin nanas. however sentiment is still there,surely the regulars on this site have all the advantage they need.;)
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Re: Here fishy fishy if I get my old laptop up and working I will post a list I made from Sporting thats a big if, as the power pack/battery is knackered and my laptop is about 3 years old :( so buying replacements is proving tricky:eyes note to self, have a back up archive avilable so you don't lose the golden goose next time......:sad Damo

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Re: Here fishy fishy heres one 4 u sporting/BM - gustelgans loose as a goose will call 5XBB raises and then fold on flop to half pot bets - have seen him do this 4 hands on the trot despite action in front of him (i.e. raise 3xBB, reraise 3XBB and another caller and he still calls!) - EDIT this is at level 1, maybe playing to hit a hand early on? in virtually every hand limp calling Damo

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Re: Here fishy fishy here's another one robilaruk:$ :sad :eyes :sad :$ I fell for the early position limp by the big stack, so when i raised with A 10 he shoved and I called for the rest of my stack (about another 700 - blinds 50/100) and he turned over QQ fecker Damo

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Re: Here fishy fishy Here's one for the collection... I'm overton on betfair.

Game #2435763744: Hold'em PL (US$0.15/US$0.25) - 2006/05/20 - 16:45:22 (GMT) Table "Aloha" Seat 2 is the button. Seat 1: Berkeley (US$6.40 in chips) Seat 2: Suedinim (US$24.23 in chips) Seat 4: wilks (US$23.73 in chips) Seat 5: Sibiris sits out Seat 6: robbo1603 (US$5.25 in chips) Seat 7: Spirit123 (US$34.71 in chips) Seat 8: overton (US$22.85 in chips) Seat 10: ArthurDen (US$15.08 in chips) wilks: posts small blind US$0.15 robbo1603: posts big blind US$0.25 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to overton [Ks Ac] Spirit123: folds overton: raises to US$0.50 ArthurDen: folds Berkeley: folds Suedinim: folds wilks: calls US$0.35 robbo1603: calls US$0.25 ----- FLOP ----- [Kh Ah 5s] wilks: bets US$0.25 robbo1603: folds overton: raises to US$1 - That's a hint wilks: raises to US$4.50 overton: raises to US$8 - That's an even bigger hint wilks: raises to US$23.23 and is all-in overton: is all-in US$14.35 - FFS... what's wrong with you? No speaky poker?? Returned uncalled bets US$0.88 to wilks ----- TURN ----- [Kh Ah 5s][Jd] ----- RIVER ----- [Kh Ah 5s Jd][Qh] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- wilks: shows [5h As] (Two Pairs, Aces and Fives, King high) overton: shows [Ks Ac] (Two Pairs, Aces and Kings, Queen high) overton collects US$43.90 from Main pot
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Re: Here fishy fishy

I think a database of loser's is tantamount to theft,and I think it would reflect badly on the forum to have one. Don't know what others think. I don't post here often, but this is something I would frown upon, c'mon fair play for all. :nana :nana edit coz i wanted some dancin nanas. however sentiment is still there,surely the regulars on this site have all the advantage they need.;)
I understand what you're saying but there are functions on a lot of sites to do exactly this. One thing that seems to anger a lot of people is playing against 'muppets' who go in with absolutely sod all, whilst my attitude to this is that they've paid their money they take their chance and I'm the one who loses after playing a decent set of cards. They generally don't win but will take other players down on the way and generally screw up the odds for everyone - like the Hungarians on SO freerolls - I'd see this as a way to redress the balance. People should not play above their bankroll limitations and should aim to play at the right level (that's responsible gaming and advice redily available on this and many other sites). I'm also a poker player who likes to win, likes free money (which sites offer as a signup bonus) and value added games. If I don't take the opportunity some other unscrupulous b4stard will. So a database like this will help us very nice people put some of those ruthless types in their place too - it gets my vote:ok :ok :ok After all, I got took for a prime fillet when I started - it's all educational for the aspiring poker player:D :D :D Edited because i don't get enough opportunity to have dancing bananas either:nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana
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