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Complete beginner


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Hello to everyone on the forum ! Could someone please advise me on the best possible way to learn how to play poker. Is it possible to just follow some on-line tutorials or do you recommend buying a book (if so which one) or is there a better way. Thanks in advance for any help, I think i'm getting the bug but really am fairly clueless !!

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Re: Complete beginner Firstly, :welcome. Its difficult to know what to say to a complete beginner - how complete? Do you know a straight from a flush for example? There are some really really useful sticky threads at the top of the page for beginners. You could buy some books but at the stage you seem to be at , online tutorials with a move to freerolls/play money tables might be the best and cheapest step for now. I'm sure if you have any specific questions, you'll find people that can help. Good luck ! :ok

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Re: Complete beginner :welcome to the PL forum. Not sure I am qualified to give advice... but I will pass on what I have found and done. Virgin has an on-line tutorial I believe so might be worth trying that out (Wed/Thur/Sunday). Most sites give some information how to play... hand ranking and general advice and Harringtons book on Tournament play and the Sklansky Poker for Advanced Players (cash games) are good and worth a read (several times). I would just get yourself enrolled on some of these websites for free and play in the freerolls... I would recommend the Virgin one as it is not over-subscribed and has some great competitions. There are loads more out there so check the threads and surf the web... Good luck and enjoy!

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Re: Complete beginner :welcome Seymoore. I fully agree with the previous postings, playmoney tables are a good way to get a feel for the game and there are some reasonable online tutorials. There are lots of freerolls out there that will give you good experience. There's a saying that 'To learn poker takes five minutes, to master it takes a lifetime'. This is true, the more you play, the more questions you'll have, the questions you ask the better you'll get. As for books, there are some great ones out there but they may seem a little advanced until you've played a bit. I'd reccommend buying either poker player or Flush magazine, both have tips, annoncements of freerolls and are generally a good read for all levels. Also, keep an eye on the lounge and don't be scared to ask questions no matter how simple you think they may be, there's always someone who'll point you in the right direction.

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Re: Complete beginner When I logged into ladbrokes recently, I saw a pop-up regarding an online tutorial. I believe it is Roy Brindley's. Anyway it said that once it is completed you can enter a $1000 freeroll for graduates. Should be able to find more details on ladbrokes poker website. Can't access it at work or i would provide a link

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Re: Complete beginner

https://poker.ladbrokes.com/pokerschool/graduationexam/questions/?subsection=Graduation%20Exam It ain't a tutorial, it's a pop quiz (in the US sense like Speed not in the UK sense like Mike Read). Play money and freerolls. Y'can't go wrong testing out your what you've learned and are willing to apply for free.
Ok thanks Steroman - thanks:ok
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Re: Complete beginner

Thanks for all your help' date=' had a few hours on 888.com on the free play and i am getting the hang of it. What a great game !!![/quote'] hehehe. what a great game... You can tell we have a fresh one here - no experience of wanting to throw the pc out of the window yet (that day will come)
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Re: Complete beginner I would advice you to start out with Limit poker, on the smallest limit you can find. First learn Hutchinsons stating hand system "www.homestead.com/erh2/HEM.html" thats a very easy way to understand the basics of low limt poker. Then buy "Small Stakes Hold'em" by Ed Miller/David Sklansky, it is one of the best starting books you can find about Low limit poker. Most sites have freerolls, which is a free way to learn to play No Limit tournament poker, You should play alot of them to as a beginner, The BIBLE for tournament play is Dan Harringtons "Harrington on Hold'em 1+2" Finally Phil Gordon's " Little Green Book" is also a very good pokerbook. You can find a lot of good freerolls on this site, and www.bonuswhores.com is a good site for finding sites with good sign up bonus, and some with free money. And don´t forget play at the lowest limts, most beginners doN´t realize over how much luck decide in the short run, so if they win a bit the first hours they play they think they are invincible, but you can loose much more than you think when you run into bad luck.

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Re: Complete beginner :welcome Seymoore - Good luck, and welcome to our addiction!!!! As mentioned above - make sure you read these posts - In your position, I would say that they are essential reading and they will show you how to learn poker, and develop your game without needing to risk your own money (until you really are ready - but by then, you should have built up a bankroll from the various freerolls :ok) How to Start Out in Poker without risking your own cash Stages of Development

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Re: Complete beginner Hi and :welcome Seymoore. The others have pretty much covered the best ways to learn and freerolls are definately the way to go at first. If you can build yourself a bankroll from freerolls you'll find it slightly easier on your nerves in your early buy ins when your playing with someone else's money.:D

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