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not poker related directly, but too excited not to share


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me and PokerBarney both got the same letter arrive today from Manchester University, where we are both going to be doing Advanced Computer Science Masters this september, we both got full scholarships worth over £3000. just so chuffed, £3000 less debt to come out of uni with is a huge amount. HOORAY!! now i know its early, but ... MROE BERE!!

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Re: not poker related directly, but too excited not to share

me and PokerBarney both got the same letter arrive today from Manchester University, where we are both going to be doing Advanced Computer Science Masters this september, we both got full scholarships worth over £3000. just so chuffed, £3000 less debt to come out of uni with is a huge amount. HOORAY!! now i know its early, but ... MROE BERE!!
Congratulations Masterplan and PokerBarney, great result. :ok What was the buy-in:unsure
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Re: not poker related directly, but too excited not to share Great Stuff Master and Barney.:clap :clap That's the first years fees taken care of, or is it the first months beer?;) If I may recommend a couple of interesting modules (dunno if they are in your course), but a bit of intelligent information retrival was quite fun, as was as was Mind Theory (an AI course) Then again my Uni days were 10 years ago (bar the fact I work in one now!!), so these probably went out with the 486s, Sun Sparcs and SGWs I used to use! I'm feeling old now!!!:sad

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Re: not poker related directly, but too excited not to share i'm thinking that an AI module could be fun, even though i am not a particularly great fan of logic or prolog, but i'm planning of developing an agent based poker bot over the next year, so we'll see closer to the time if i need a hand with the 'intelligence' aspect :)

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Re: not poker related directly, but too excited not to share nice to see some of the taxpayers money going to good use :beer a load of my mates went to uni and ended up massively in debt (about 10 grand)and are still paying it off now,it just seems like we keep paying more tax but getting less for our money . the way its going we'll have a country of vicky pollards because nobody will be able to afford further education. anyway spend your windfall wisely ,and good luck with your degrees:ok

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