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Virgin Blogs


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Has anyone kept their Virgin Blog up to date? I go on most days and put something in, but it appears that no one in the whole of the world is reading it....:( I started a 'Save The Stardust' campaign on my Blog, as I will be gutted when they blow it up....:sad but no one has posted a comment; not even saying "sod the Stardust, never liked it anyway". Its seems Jars Blog is rubbish and hated the world over....... Anyone else had any comments left on their Blogs?

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Re: Virgin Blogs I wouldn't be discouraged jar jar - there are so many blogs out there (think millions). If you want more traffic to your blog, you have to start spreading the word - how many people have you told about it (outside PL)? Does it appear on Google when searching for things like "poker blog"? Do any other websites except PL have links to it? Unless people know about it, they won't find it by accident, and so won't leave comments. Getting traffic is the hardest thing about running a website. Good luck! :)

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Re: Virgin Blogs my best advice is to comment on other peoples blogs. There ARE millons out there, but spookily, the poker blog community is quite a small one in terms of who knows who. Nobody will know about yours until you show interest in theirs - and there is some very good stuff out there, you're poker life will be improved by finding it :)

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Re: Virgin Blogs I must admit I don't go to everyone's blogs and leave a 'calling-card', but I have (almost) everyone's Blog linked on mine, partly because Gaf? did it first, and gave me the idea, but partly because it gave me a small opportunity to mess with html. I have looked at everyone's who has their Blog address in the sticky at the top.

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Re: Virgin Blogs I am just using mine as a sort of diary, not really bothered if people comment or not. Will have to borrow my son's book, think it's ''HTML for thickos'' or something like that...never know it may tempt me into setting up a proper web site...or maybe it won't. Jeeez, I'm in such an apathetic vein today...or maybe I'm not...who cares?

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Re: Virgin Blogs I know Run's been updating his daily but as he's not commented on here perhaps he doesn't want anyone to read it! As you say, I'm sure blogs are as much for your own enjoyment as for anyone else's. I'm certainly reading some of the blogs each day, but as I'm not registered myself, I can't leave a comment (I don't think). :unsure I read Run's to find out what he's been up to all night! ;)

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Re: Virgin Blogs give your blog exposure so it turns up in the search engines - get it linked in a blog directoy (like mine :-) )or gambling web-site - e.g. blogarama, feedster.. just as if it were a commercial web-site you are trying to promote.. sumbitting the XML or RSS feeds is the best way imo. hth alex

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Re: Virgin Blogs

i have everyone's blogs in my favourites and do read through them all every day blogging should be about doing it for yourself as much as it is doing it for others
I find it therapeutic and am doing it very much for myself. If anyone reads it and finds it even slightly interesting or amusing then fine but I spend quite a bit of time talking to myself (as a way of concentrating on whatever it is I am supposed to be doing) and my blog is just an extension of that. I doubt anything I write on the poker side will be revolutionary so I do not expect to keep anyone hooked and desperate for the next instalment !
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Re: Virgin Blogs I think a really successful poker blog would need similar content to this forum, with value freerolls & tournies reported, a bit of discussion on strategy, etc. Punters Lounge could even run the PL Poker blog hand in hand with this forum, heavily cross linked, reporting the results from all the forum competitions, and the latest tournament info. Probably wouldn't want to though for fear of taking the traffic away from PL itself. I guess a way around that is to use pokerblog.punterslounge.com, with a blogging backend like Wordpress... Sprinkle in a bunch of affiliated links & banners and bobs your uncle!

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Re: Virgin Blogs

Punters Lounge could even run the PL Poker blog hand in hand with this forum' date=' heavily cross linked, reporting the results from all the forum competitions, and the latest tournament info. Probably wouldn't want to though for fear of taking the traffic away from PL itself. I guess a way around that is to use pokerblog.punterslounge.com, with a blogging backend like Wordpress...[/quote'] Yes - not sure what a PL Blog would add, that couldn't be achieved from a post in here - all it would do is take content away from the forum and that content would be missed by anyone who didn't read the Blog AND the forum.....
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Re: Virgin Blogs What would be nice is a better way of releasing links and promos. Often information is lost in the middle of a 15 page thread, so the discussion becomes bogged down with people asking for directions. Maybe a sub forum with closed stickies and all relevant info within a single post in each sticky?

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