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poker stats


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Re: poker stats I`m not even sure its a problem. If its less than 50 % because you bet earlier in the hands with the best hand and get the other players to fold, and manage to check down the hands where you are behind, then its fine. On the other hand, if its because you have a habit of calling bets on turn and river with marginal hands which is very often beaten, then it is a problem. So I think there is other stats you should focus more on. In my experience the biggest mistake most player make postflop (and preflop), is they call to much, and raise /fold to little.

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Re: poker stats i wouldn't stress it tbh, just be aware of other peoples hands, it's better to flop after seeing hte river hand if your sure your losing, than sticking in another 200 chips, "because you've came this far" I did think about this myself, but I only make it to the showdown in less than 7% of hands played. It becomes such a subset of your of hands, that the numbers aren't meaningful from a stats pont of vews until you've played 10,000's of hands. If your games won is fine, then don't sweat it

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