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Remember my Poker Quiz???? Winner is found


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Hi all... Thank you for your answers... :ok I just counted the points... and 2 people have 11 right answers... IMPRESSIVE :clap :clap :clap The ones in question are: Morlspin :clap :nana :clap :nana :clap :nana :clap :nana :clap ....and.... Chelskired :clap :nana :clap :nana :clap :nana :clap :nana :clap BUT... one of Morlspins WRONG answers was that I would get knocked out by PR holding 7 2 off... how silly... of course I didn't... :tongue2 However... as for the prize...which is a good prize...:ok ...I have decided, being the game master and all ;) , that the ACTUAL 1st prize will go to Morlspin since he is going to be present at the award ceremony in York... Chelskired, there will be a few pints coming your way the next time we meet... as a consolation 1st prize :tongue2 ... harsh... but I never said I wasn't :lol Congrats Morlspin :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

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Re: Remember my Poker Quiz???? Winner is found :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana Well thats the 1st thing ive won in a while lmao! Cant beleive ive won, im soooooo happy! Im looking forward to receiving my prize soon! Ignore the nasty man Pene, Shots = Vaccinations to prevent disease from bites off wild animals haha edit.....i think i would have had 12 correct answers too if Paul Ross had played more lately.....his 72o skills are phenomenal!

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Re: Remember my Poker Quiz???? Winner is found

You can look forward to it... just went shopping for it today... To make sure it would fit the winner :D ...and there WILL be consolation prizes aswell :ok
oh god........cue the insults....... looking forward to wearing whatever the item is......i think
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Re: Remember my Poker Quiz???? Winner is found

i thought it was something i could wear when u said make sure it fits the person........ a laptop would be nice ;) haha
It is not a laptop... and now you might get slightly dissapointed :unsure GET YOUR EXPECTATIONS DOWN BOY.... :spank :spank :spank :tongue2 :tongue2
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