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Sporting STT challenge - definitive answer


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hi folks I asked the question about how profit is calculated and below is the answer Damo :cheers ********************************* Hi Damian, All buy-ins will be subtracted from the winnings (so the +$6.50 scenario) - should make it more quality than quantity. Regards, Joe

-----Original Message-----
Damian Breen
16 May 2006 17:54
Re: SportingOdds STT League Results

Many thanks for the update can you clarify something for me please regarding the new structure I play one game come first and have +$12 profit ($17.50 winnings - $5.50 buy-in) I play a second game and come 5th at the cost of another $5.50 - so is my current total still +$12 or is it now +$6.50 - in other words are
buy-ins minused from your ongoing total, or just in those games where you get 1st or 2nd? Many thanks Damian
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Re: Sporting STT challenge - definitive answer you mean postional table or game on the site? I have played a game already and won, reckon I am gonna quit while I am ahead! wouldn't expect a positional table yet after one day - and have noticed new players signing up for the tourney last nite, that I didn't see in the previous 14 days tourney Damo

no table yet :(
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