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Goalpoker Ibiza Trip ??


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Has anyone won a trip to Ibiza and received any info back about it? I won on the 15/04 but have not heard a dickie bird from them after sending 2 e-mails. :cry Is this trip really happening? Or was it a way to get our money? Any info would be apprieciated

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Re: Goalpoker Ibiza Trip ?? Congratulations... You & A Friend Are Coming To Ibiza! You Have Won The Weekend of a Lifetime! As a winner of Goalpoker's "Ultimate World Cup of Poker" you have booked your seat on board Goalpoker's Plane to Ibiza on the weekend of 9th July 2006, for an exclusive big screen showing of the World Cup Finals & VIP party courtesy of Goalpoker. In order to claim your prize please send team@goalpoker a copy of your passport photo page and a copy of a recent bill as proof of address by the 12th june 2006. Please ensure that your registration details with Goalpoker are up to date and that you remember to keep the weekend of 9th July free! Goalpoker will keep you informed with more details regarding this excellent weekend Good luck & Be a Player...The Team at Goalpoker

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