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Love Americans


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We know all about them and how arrogant they are at the tables. I just had one of them at my table. He (TheBABE) only sat down and after few hands took the rest of the money from other player (around $10). This other player was a nice fish, cause he already topped his bank twice. Anyway, TB take his money and says: "Nice call you dickhead hahahahahahaha". Fish gone. So I say: "Was that necessary? He was giving us money". TB: "Get off my back". Me: "Typical American". TB: "Speak English". No point for me to continue. And as he is telling me to speak English I get those cards: Hand #300003636 at table: Table TH Mini Started: Tue May 16 03:28:53 2006 TheBABE is at seat 2 with 22.20 ralf21 is at seat 3 with 24.06 siwka31 is at seat 4 with 31.98 siwka31 posts the large blind 0.25 ralf21 posts the small blind 0.12 ralf21: --, -- siwka31: 7h, 7s TheBABE: --, -- Pre-flop: TheBABE: Raise 1.00 ralf21: Fold siwka31: Call 1.00 Flop (Board: 2h, 3c, 7d): siwka31: Check TheBABE: Bet 3.50 siwka31: Call 3.50 Turn (Board: 2h, 3c, 7d, 6h): siwka31: Check TheBABE: Bet 6.00 siwka31: All in TheBABE: All in River (Board: 2h, 3c, 7d, 6h, 3d): Showdown: siwka31 shows: 7h, 7s (full house) TheBABE shows: 9c, 9s (two pair, Nines and Threes) Mainpot: siwka31 wins the pot of 42.32 with full house (2.20 rake were taken for this hand) He went out so fast, I missed to say good bye. Shame :\.

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Re: Love Americans nice i'm a dominant chip leader (me 115k, 2nd 40k)in a small mtt on gp atm (while revising) have been chip leader since first break, its now almost 3rd break. and on every table there's at least one calling me a moron and questioning my calls and bets, saying i'm stupid, immature etc ... 17/346 left me 165k 2nd 53k

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Re: Love Americans here's what happens > [Dealer] THESNUCKA folds [Dealer] NHRA4 folds [Dealer] TMACATTACK folds [Dealer] TJWEIMAN74 calls $1600 [Dealer] CHARC0L folds [Dealer] MASTERPLAN79 calls $1600 [Dealer] GLOBE420 moves all-in[Raise] $8410 to $9210 [Dealer] HOTSHOT3 folds [Dealer] TJWEIMAN74 moves all-in $6980 MASTERPLAN79:gl globe, you'll probably win, but i have pot odds [Dealer] MASTERPLAN79 calls $7610 > [Qc 3s Qs] > [Ks] > [10s] MASTERPLAN79:ouch > [Dealer] End hand > MASTERPLAN79:that sucks MASTERPLAN79 wins side pot($1260.00) with (Flush, king high). MASTERPLAN79 wins main pot($28140.00) with (Flush, king high). Player TJWEIMAN74 has finished the tournament in # 15 place. Player GLOBE420 has finished the tournament in # 14 place. MASTERPLAN79:sorry guys [Dealer] MASTERPLAN79 ante $100 [Dealer] HOTSHOT3 ante $100 [Dealer] THESNUCKA ante $100 [Dealer] NHRA4 ante $100 [Dealer] TMACATTACK ante $100 [Dealer] CHARC0L ante $100 GLOBE420:fu cking ******** [Dealer] Blind time [Dealer] HOTSHOT3 posts the small blind $800 [Dealer] THESNUCKA posts the big blind $1600 > GLOBE420:your a fag [Dealer] NHRA4 folds [Dealer] TMACATTACK folds GLOBE420:ho mo [Dealer] CHARC0L folds [Dealer] MASTERPLAN79 folds SHELL1983:bs [Dealer] HOTSHOT3 moves all-in[Raise] $980 to $1780 [Dealer] THESNUCKA folds > HOTSHOT3 doesn't show [Dealer] End hand > HOTSHOT3 wins ($3800.00 chips). GLOBE420:that guys su cking the dealers **** SHELL1983:lol GLOBE420:goof GLOBE420:runner runner my ass SHELL1983:call ya 2mmorow GLOBE420:yea peace SHELL1983:45 SHELL1983:bones SHELL1983:gg tho GLOBE420:to your ma dukes SHELL1983:6.6 SHELL1983:gs SHELL1983:2mmorow just in case you were wondering 6400 in pot when player 1 goes in for 9210 - total pot 15620 player 2 goes all in an extra 5380, total pot 21000 for me to call 7610, 36% of pot, 4% of my stack PLAYER CARDS % Win % Loss % Draw __________________________________________________________ User 8S 9D 26.002% 72.09% 1.908% 1 AH 3H 33.918% 65.783% 0.299% 2 8C 8H 38.172% 59.92% 1.908%

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