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Cheating in the Virgin freeroll


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Re: Cheating in the Virgin freeroll You all know that I'm at my happiest when writing complaining e-mails, so here's my latest 'bug-bite'. 1- Received an e-mail saying that my complaint had been forwarded. 2-Clicked on the 'ticket' URL in the e-mail the day after to see that the matter had been closed.:\ I re-opened it with this;

Posted on 15 May 2006 10:53 PM
Status: Closed Does this mean the matter has been dealt with?
Thank you for the email regarding your poker account. We can confirm this matter has been dealt with accordingly. If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Kind Regards,
In what way? Was I cheated? Or not? Have the accused players been allowed to continue playing, or have you taken action against them? Yours sincerely
Dear Andrew Thank you for the email regarding your poker account. We cannot reveal information about another players account as this is part of our customers’ protection policy. As stated on the terms and conditions: Cheating of any kind:(proceeds to quote t's and c's :eyes)
Oh well thats great! As I have been a 'victim' I will receive their prizes as compensation.:cow :cow So I check through Virgin's pages to see.... nothing. So this morning I rang Virgin support (B*** M****), explained the situation, and was told that if cheating is proven in tournament play to the point where winnings will be confiscated, they will be given to....... the WINNER of the tournament!!!!!!!!:loon No offence to Laidbackbloke, but why him? Surely if anyone were to receive anything it would be the players who placed below where these two finished, so that 12th and 11th would receive some prize. In the same was as disqualifacation from races affects positionings. Me - I don't expect anything apart from the satisfaction of seeing justice was done. So I've fired off another e-mail;
I would really appreciate it if you could found out whether I was right in the assumption that I was cheated against. I have no interest in what action (if any) has been taken against the other two players in the tournament, but I feel it would be good for all parties concerned if I could tell my friends on the forum I use that how I was treated at the table was wrong (and therefore stop anyone else considering doing it), and it would be good for Boss Media, as it would show that they are actively supporting the players who follow their rules, and finally it would be good for me to know that I hadn't wasted my time. The other benefit for Boss media must surely be that you would like your players (customers) to help you with these matters. If they feel "there's no point" like I do at the moment then surely any 'cheats' have a better chance of prospering. I completely understand and agree with your refusal to discuss other peoples accounts, but I think even if no compensation is available the person who feels wronged needs to know that they are correct or incorrect, in fact you could say it is even more important if they receive no compensation. Regarding that I would appreciate clarification. According to your publised t's and c's; Team play or collusion is the act of two or more players "teaming up" to gain a competitive advantage by signalling card values or making raises and re-raises that are intended to force a victim player out of a pot. If customer service receives a complaint about such an activity or management suspects such activity, the players accused/suspected will have their accounts and playing activity reviewed by management. Players found to have been acting, or reasonably suspected of acting as a team, will have their account privileges terminated throughout Boss Media's casinos indefinitely. If warranted, Virgin Poker has the right to confiscate any funds won while acting as a team. Confiscated funds will be distributed to victim players. I have only been told today that this applies to cash games, and in tournaments the 'compensation' would go to the winner of the tournament. 1- I did think I had a slight chance of compensation, but this is a distant 2nd to my primary reason for my complaint. 2- Surely if these people finished 5th and 7th and top 10 win prizes, then it is the people who placed lower than these 2 should all be promoted by 2 places? 3- Given the popularity of STT's and MTT's (tournament poker), surely there should be some distinction on the website. Anyway, I look forward to reading your opinions on the matter.
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Re: Cheating in the Virgin freeroll Hi V, I'm completely behind on this one. I can't stand cheating on any poker site and really hope the people who did it get some sort of punishment - even if it was having their chat suspended so they couldn't speak during tournies, would be a start!!!! I also agree that the people placed 'below' the alleged cheaters (who are involved in play with them at some stage) should be entitled to share any prizes the alleged cheaters won. Keep us updated on what happens, I would really like to know the outcome of this. :hope that something gets done.

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Re: Cheating in the Virgin freeroll

Thank you for your e-mail regarding this issue. I can confirm that our fraud and security department have done some further investigations and we can confirm that there has been appropriate action against the players in question. There will be no kind of compensation as this was a free roll tournament. However, we can confirm that the appropriate action has been taken and now consider this issue closed. If we can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us. Kind Regards,
I suppose that its up to Virgin to decide now.
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