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dream hand ??


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Playing a STT on virgin, 3 players left, all about the same stack. blinds 150/300 I'm dealt AQ of hearts, I'm first to act, and raise to 600, we all call, 1800 chips in the pot. Flop comes out K J 10 all hearts, my first ever royal flush:eek Now I'm excited, but I want to get paid, a lot. First guy bets 600, next guy raises 1200, I call 1200. The first guy pushes all in. The second guy calls him. I'm stunned. Nothing else to do put push all in myself with a unbeatable hand :tongue2 One guy is out, another gets a 150 chips returned, I win the tourney next hand. Not only do I get a perfect hand, everyone else competes to throw money at me. Don't think I'll ever hit this good as hand again.

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Guest gazza271

Re: dream hand ?? Very nice mate :clap Glad you made out of it as well. I have had 2 apparently ! One on an STT where i just checked it round cos i wanted everyone to see. Then one day playing the MKOP a couple of people started telling me that the previous day when i had been on sit out (at work) i hit one then as well when my chips were low and was automatically all in, Bet that caused a few laughs at the table,damn sitouts:lol :lol :lol

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Re: dream hand ?? Yes Gazza, you did! I think I got a screen grab for you didn't I? Congratulations Fools. :ok Gotta say you can't blame tho other guys for thinking out of the 11 maximum live cards (let alone the 9 at this point) there would be 'no' chance of anyone with a royal. It'll be interesting to see what they had.

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