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STT strategy


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Re: STT strategy Just found the latest table rules... 5. Violations of house rules - If a player commits any of the following acts, he is in breach/violation of house rules:

  • Players may not chat about a hand while it is in progress (i.e., a comment like “I have a heart flush draw.” General comments like “U fkin wnker” may be considered acceptable);
  • Players may not offer advice to another player through the chat during a hand, or urge a player to sod off and take his chips with him.;
  • Only Non-English may be written in the chat; Any foul, abusive or threatening language is bloody fine by us.
  • Players may not chat about any girlfriends they fondled during a hand; and
  • Players may not chat about any Rock Hudson films.
  • Rape, pillaging and acts of gross indecency will not be tolerated, unless you are resident in Denmark.
  • Have a nice day

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Re: STT strategy People showing their BB when it's folded around to them and they have nothing is annoying and stupid in my opinion but it has never tilted me. Bad beats tilt me, nothing else. And this tight strategy is useless if everyone else has the same strategy. Just ends up with 8 people still in and the blinds at 200/400. It then becomes a crapshoot with minimal skill. I think there is a famous saying that goes if your table is loose play tight and if your table is tight play loose. To enter a STT and always play the same strategy means you will get murdered at the higher stakes when people get to know your game. You need to win the odd hand early on to give you confidence and enjoyment from the game.

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Re: STT strategy

People showing their BB when it's folded around to them and they have nothing is annoying and stupid in my opinion but it has never tilted me. Bad beats tilt me' date=' nothing else.[/quote'] Surely if you find it stupid and annoying it must be touching something in your head. And everyone isn't like you, besides I don't do it with the aim of getting people tilt (although that is a bonus) I simply have the aim of tempting people into playing more marginal hands than they otherwise might. Indeed, but maybe we're talking about different stakes here. I admit to having minimal poker skill but I make a profit. Why? Because there's always a bigger muppet then me at the stakes I play. Believe me it really is rare to get a table full of tight players in a $5 STT Thats why I stick to stakes I'm comfortable with. There's no enjoyment in sitting down and been thoroughly outplayed, which at my level I rarely am.
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Re: STT strategy

Surely if you find it stupid and annoying it must be touching something in your head. And everyone isn't like you' date=' besides I don't do it with the aim of getting people tilt (although that is a bonus) I simply have the aim of tempting people into playing more marginal hands than they otherwise might..[/quote'] Fair enough you just mentioned one of the things about online poker I find most annoying, I personally only show in this situation if I have AA or KK as this is much funnier. But surely just because you were dealt 23 offsuit this time that is meaningless for the next hand!
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Re: STT strategy

Have to say I do agree that "announcing" your hand before or after the flop would be cheating purely because if one of the participating players was to believe you it might give them the courage to call a bluff regardless of if you were lying or not. You would therefore have had a part in hand you weren't participating in. I'd also agree with the comment about players saying "damn folded such and such" and add the players who entice others to call, you know the " he's bluffing "or it's a bluff" comments. All of them perfectly acceptable once a hand has ended but, to me, cheating if made during the hand.
I don't think there is anything inherently "unethical" about coffeehousing (making comments about your hand during play). Whether it's wrong or not is purely a matter of what the rules that you're playing by say about it. Most, if not all, online sites seem to ban it, which is fair enough. I'd actually never thought about whether it was allowed until this thread. But if a site decided to allow it, I don't think it would ruin the game. I can see good reasons for it being banned when there are more than two people left in a hand, but when there are just two of you left, then I don't see it matters a whole lot. Just a matter of taste, I guess.
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Re: STT strategy I agree with the basic tight strategy outlined by the original poster - however this "coffee-talk" business is dubious. - I only go so far as to say things like "Call" when I am on a big bluff, or asking them "how is your kicker?".. often this results in a fold in the first instance, or a few checks if they are worried about their kicker (and a chance to hit if I am still involved in the hand).. nothing like sewing a few seeds of doubt :nana alex

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Re: STT strategy Have to say one of my favourites was Jaded's "Good luck if you call". Drove me nuts him typing that all night, and since then I have used it. I even re-raised one of Jaded's raises, got worried a bad beat was around the corner, panicked and typed those immortal words. Guess what? Jaded folded to MY steal! :lol :lol :lol :lol

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Re: STT strategy

Have to say one of my favourites was Jaded's "Good luck if you call". Drove me nuts him typing that all night, and since then I have used it. I even re-raised one of Jaded's raises, got worried a bad beat was around the corner, panicked and typed those immortal words. Guess what? Jaded folded to MY steal! :lol :lol :lol :lol
Does Jaded even have a fold button????? :lol :lol :lol :lol ...must say... I have enjoyed his company in the stt tourney this last week... Love his style :ok As for the stt strategy... I once posted a thread like this... but I will give my opinion again. Fold, fold, fold and fold... after about 3 rounds you can call... or even raise... (better yet) and people will have you as a tight player...and you can start bullying them...and take home 1st prize... :ok Easy :lol :lol
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Re: STT strategy I don't agree with the tight strategy at the start because it leaves you short stacked and with not many chips to play with once the blinds go up. It becomes a lottery, with you having to go-all in and double up to stand a chance.

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Re: STT strategy I'd rather go all in with A 10 when I've only 5 blinds left against 1 player, than when holding KK in the early stages trying to figure out who is playing what - such as A rag, suited hole cards, low or middling connectors etc. btw I have lost 3 times with KK, and twice with QQ against Ace rag today. In the earlier stages of stt's. A little annoyed to say the least. :lol :lol :lol

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Re: STT strategy Just been looking for one thing, then got side tracked and noticed this quote... "I have a pair of eights." The truth (which would get me a 20-minute suspension in some tournaments that have the ridiculous no-telling-the-truth-about-your-hand rule). Taken from: http://www.poker1.com/absolutenm/templates/mculib_lectures.aspx?articleid=22&zoneid=4

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