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STT strategy


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They seem to be the "wild west" of the poker world just now, there doesn't appear to be a definetive way to play them, thought it'd be a good idea to have a thread where we share some tip and tricks. A wsie man once said, poker isn't a card game you play with people, it's a people game you play with cards. I play a lot of STT's (3 a night ) and this is what works for me. At the begining, tight / tight / tight. Unless you have a monster hand, there isn't any need to get involved. There will be at least one idiot at the table, it's tempting to take his chips off him, but I let someone else do it, don't want the risk that he'll flop a monster hand. At this stage it's top ten hands only for me. Everything else is folded, I care nothing about losing my blinds, I'm not going to expend a single chip in their defence. Even if i'm sure it's a blatent steal I let it go, building a table image as a tight player is much more valueuble than 20 chips. As we move to fewer players, I losen up, i'll call with marginal hands like K9, A10 etc.. but if I don't flop, I walk away from the hand. Almost regardless of hand, i'll not get seriously involved in a hand with more than 2 other players. I aviod all contact with short stacked players, unless I have a monster hand. They're going to call, why bother with the risk, let someone else content with it. I'm much happier playing 4 big hands in a STT and winning 3, than getting involved with a lot of small pots, I see the point of risk to win 100 chips At the end while heads up, I'm still fairly tight, again I'd rather win 1 or 2 big pots, than defend my blind 15 times. A new thing I've been trying is play the person, not the cards. If I get a excellent pocket pair (KK or AA), then I'll annouce it to the table, as i push all in. "Pair of Aces here, I'd fold if I were you, just want the blinds", there is nothing more certain to get you action, someone will call your all in, and you'll likely double up. Even if no one calls your all in, I make a point of showing the table my Aces. People hate this. This has two advantages, aside from mostly likely winning the pot and knocking a player out, it gives you a free pot later on, Later i'll annouce "Pair of Kings" or "Full house" at the flop, and push all in with trash. No one ever calls. I then show my 72o and someone most likely tilts, and you're pretty much home and hosed. It makes you seem wierd and unpredicable Anyone else got any tips ?????????

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Re: STT strategy I'd agree, tight as fook is pretty much the way to go with STT's . If I have a bad run and tighten right up I won't even play without an ace. Most of the time it's possible to just fold your way into the money.

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Re: STT strategy

A new thing I've been trying is play the person, not the cards. If I get a excellent pocket pair (KK or AA), then I'll annouce it to the table, as i push all in. "Pair of Aces here, I'd fold if I were you, just want the blinds", there is nothing more certain to get you action, someone will call your all in, and you'll likely double up.
This has two advantages, aside from mostly likely winning the pot and knocking a player out, it gives you a free pot later on, Later i'll annouce "Pair of Kings" or "Full house" at the flop, and push all in with trash.
Most people will correctly call this cheating:spank Not sure if the poker sites will do anything about it if/when someone reports it;)
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Re: STT strategy Definitely agree with playing it v. tight at the beginning, ideally the table will have lost a few players before I play anything. I tend not to avoid the short-stacks, in my experience many of them will play ultra-tight waiting for a premium hand to push all-in. Once the blinds start moving up a bit they are a perfect target for a steal if you have a decent stack yourself. I'm sure I read somewhere else on the forum that a poster had found pushing all-in against short-stacks makes them more likely to call than if you simply raise enough to force them all-in, where they'll more than likely fold instead. From the STTs I've played this is definitely true (even though I don't know why!), and a very useful post-flop tactic to steal the pot, even if I've totally missed my cards. If I'm short-stacked myself (less than 10xBB), I'll push all-in with anything playable from mid-late position against any other short-stacked big blinds. They're usually waiting for big cards and I've been playing tight until now, a couple of steals might just see me through until I get a monster...

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Re: STT strategy

A new thing I've been trying is play the person, not the cards. If I get a excellent pocket pair (KK or AA), then I'll annouce it to the table, as i push all in. "Pair of Aces here, I'd fold if I were you, just want the blinds", there is nothing more certain to get you action, someone will call your all in, and you'll likely double up. Even if no one calls your all in, I make a point of showing the table my Aces. People hate this.
The way I'm reading this is that fools is not actually typing that sentence in the chat box, but more announcing to the table by his actions that he is on a steal. - So therefore not cheating. Could be wrong though....
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Re: STT strategy

The way I'm reading this is that fools is not actually typing that sentence in the chat box, but more announcing to the table by his actions that he is on a steal. - So therefore not cheating. Could be wrong though....
I know that's how that bit sounded but later on saying about pushing in on the flop sounded more specific which makes it sound like actually typing it in. Hopefully you're right:D I also think that it's a bit naive to think that just pushing in will make people think you've got something awesome:unsure
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Re: STT strategy

The way I'm reading this is that fools is not actually typing that sentence in the chat box' date=' but more [i']announcing to the table by his actions that he is on a steal. - So therefore not cheating. Could be wrong though....
The way I read it he's definitely typing that in the chatbox. I must admit I find this kind of thing low, and it pisses me right off but it's the way some people play. All you can do is ignore it.
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Re: STT strategy

I know that's how that bit sounded but later on saying about pushing in on the flop sounded more specific which makes it sound like actually typing it in.
Yeah true. :\ Over to fools to clarify I guess....
The way I read it he's definitely typing that in the chatbox. I must admit I find this kind of thing low, and it pisses me right off but it's the way some people play. All you can do is ignore it.
Couldn't agree more. I turn the chat off if it starts happening.
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Re: STT strategy nice post, thanks for starting this hread the 'accepted' strategy is tight tight tight, then shove or fold after levels 3 or 4 however if everyone is playing like this the best way of making money is to do the opposite as to how I play, well that would be telling..... :D suffice to say, I rarely limp into a pot, if my hand isn't good enough to raise with then I am not first in with a limp (I might limp late for value aginst a few other limpers) and Heads Up - if you are not prepared to protect your BB then you will lose (in the long run), by the time a 10 handed STT get heads up, you will prolly have between 10-15BB, you cannot wait for good cards, and even if your AJ does appear, you are only a 60/40/ 70/30 against most other hands, so don't rely on it to win you a huge pot - if you can read HoH II and see action dans comments on HU play, VERY interesting Damo :cheers

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Re: STT strategy

The way I'm reading this is that fools is not actually typing that sentence in the chat box, but more announcing to the table by his actions that he is on a steal. - So therefore not cheating. Could be wrong though....
Sure I type it into the chat box, I'm not sure it's cheating, I see it as bluffing. You're allowed to lie at Poker aren't you ?? I see the purpuse of the game as to convince the other player you have better cards than him, all's fair in love and poker.
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Re: STT strategy

Sure I type it into the chat box' date=' I'm not sure it's cheating, I see it as bluffing. You're allowed to lie at Poker aren't you ??[/quote'] A lot of casinos allow you to lie about your hand pre showdown but you're not allowed to tell the truth about it as this could be collusion.
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Re: STT strategy Doesn't bother me whether someone tells or not. I don't listen. Usually when they tell and show, they tell the next time and bluff. I play to my own cards strengths and if I think I'm ahead, you'll pay for it. I have my own STT strategy but I'll keep it to myself. Suffice to say that every game is different and you must adapt your style to individuals as well as the table in a whole.

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Re: STT strategy

Sure I type it into the chat box, I'm not sure it's cheating, I see it as bluffing. You're allowed to lie at Poker aren't you ?? I see the purpuse of the game as to convince the other player you have better cards than him, all's fair in love and poker.
Don't suppose you'd be bothered if you knew it was cheating eh Fools?:lol What about the tossers who like to say when they've folded and hit the flop? e.g. flop 889 idiot types "lol - i chucked 89" and they think it doesn't affect the game:\ :spank
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Re: STT strategy

Don't suppose you'd be bothered if you knew it was cheating eh Fools?:lol What about the tossers who like to say when they've folded and hit the flop? e.g. flop 889 idiot types "lol - i chucked 89" and they think it doesn't affect the game:\ :spank
Would I be bothered if I knew it was cheating, yes I would. I'll do everything I can to win, except break the letter of the rules. As for the people who say what they folded, you're right I'd hate that, it does effect the game. Have to say that I've never seen it though. Poker when played against strangers for money isn't a friendly game, it's war. I don't want people to like me. When I sit down at a table, I hate every other person at the table, not only do I want to take all their money, i want to gouge out their eyes and rape their wifes. It's how i motivate myself, but to each their own
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Re: STT strategy You may want to read this then Fools... http://www.poker.co.uk/houserules.html?PHPSESSID=dd165da5cdef05c5e46546ab42dc7a1c

5. Violations of house rules - If a player commits any of the following acts, he is in breach/violation of house rules:
  • Players may not chat about a hand while it is in progress (i.e., a comment like “I have a heart flush draw.” General comments like “I’m going to get my revenge this hand” may be considered acceptable);
  • Players may not offer advice to another player through the chat during a hand, or urge a player to take any kind of action;
  • Only English may be written in the chat; Any foul, abusive or threatening language will not be tolerated on any game table;
  • Players may not chat about any mucked cards they held during a hand; and
  • Players may not chat about any current cards being held during a hand.
  • Management will judge the severity of a violation. Poker.co.uk has the right suspend or revoke membership privileges.

By and large these t's and c's are pretty standard across the industry, so I'd imagine wherever you did this, you are breaking the rules. HOH II= Harrington on Hold 'em Vol II,
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Re: STT strategy

When I sit down at a table' date=' I hate every other person at the table, not only do I want to take all their money, i want to gouge out their eyes and rape their wifes.[/quote'] Nice - not :\. I myself love everybody and they love me so much they just give me their chips ;)
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Re: STT strategy Thanks for that Mr V, hadn't seen that before. no more of that tactic for me. I never knowingly cheat at anything. I'll get a copy of HOH II for my long flight next month, always a good time to catch up on the reading

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Re: STT strategy

When I sit down at a table, I hate every other person at the table, not only do I want to take all their money, i want to gouge out their eyes and rape their wifes. It's how i motivate myself, but to each their own
Oi, Hope you weren't thinking that heads up with Runadrum :eek
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Re: STT strategy

Oi, Hope you weren't thinking that heads up with Runadrum :eek
:lol :lol :lol :lol Thing is Fools they also state (in that bit above I think) that there is a fine line between what's accepted and whats not. Most (all?) poker players have lied about their hand at some point in an effort to provide disinformation. Others let people think they had a bigger hand than they really had. eg P1 holds Q Q P2 holds J J flop AKK Player 2 (first to act goes all in) Player 1 thinks, folds and says "QQ" Player 1 doesn't show, but types a selection of comments from "AK" to "good fold", or "very good fold". Other players may not show but admit to JJ. Apart from winning money, nothing beats making a player fold the better hand.:ok
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Re: STT strategy

Thing is Fools they also state (in that bit above I think) that there is a fine line between what's accepted and whats not. Most (all?) poker players have lied about their hand at some point in an effort to provide disinformation. Others let people think they had a bigger hand than they really had. eg P1 holds Q Q P2 holds J J flop AKK Player 2 (first to act goes all in) Player 1 thinks, folds and says "QQ" Player 1 doesn't show, but types a selection of comments from "AK" to "good fold", or "very good fold". Other players may not show but admit to JJ. Apart from winning money, nothing beats making a player fold the better hand.:ok
I think the main difference is doing it during the hand or after the hand. Anything goes afterwards:D :ok
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Re: STT strategy

But I would leave rape and pillage to the Danes. :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin
Why?:unsure It doesn't say anything about it in the rules:
5. Violations of house rules - If a player commits any of the following acts, he is in breach/violation of house rules:
  • Players may not chat about a hand while it is in progress (i.e., a comment like “I have a heart flush draw.” General comments like “I’m going to get my revenge this hand” may be considered acceptable);
  • Players may not offer advice to another player through the chat during a hand, or urge a player to take any kind of action;
  • Only English may be written in the chat; Any foul, abusive or threatening language will not be tolerated on any game table;
  • Players may not chat about any mucked cards they held during a hand; and
  • Players may not chat about any current cards being held during a hand.
  • Management will judge the severity of a violation. Poker.co.uk has the right suspend or revoke membership privileges.

See, it's all good:loon

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Re: STT strategy Just to add something legitimate to this thread. There is an article in the latest Inside Edge (June 2006) on p.88 'Let's Pretend'. The writer advocates using needling in chat to send opponents on tilt, berating bad calls and laughing at bad beats with a "nh", etc. Maybe this is the way to go Fools, rather than mentioning your actual hand.:ok

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Re: STT strategy Been reading this post with interest. Nice one Fools. Have to say I do agree that "announcing" your hand before or after the flop would be cheating purely because if one of the participating players was to believe you it might give them the courage to call a bluff regardless of if you were lying or not. You would therefore have had a part in hand you weren't participating in. I'd also agree with the comment about players saying "damn folded such and such" and add the players who entice others to call, you know the " he's bluffing "or it's a bluff" comments. All of them perfectly acceptable once a hand has ended but, to me, cheating if made during the hand.

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Re: STT strategy

One thing I like to do to get people on tilt is call them either a coward or a pussy after they fold to my blind steal. Simple but effective.:)
try that tonight and see how i get on
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