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Most blatant admission of multiregging


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If this K-MO makes the money I will be fuming! PL'ers, make sure he fails!!:@:@:@:@ Dealer: #2175738284, K-MO wins 75 chips. Dealer: #2175738294, K-MO wins 75 chips. Dealer: #2175738304, K-MO wins 75 chips. Dealer: #2175738314, Taiger wins 75 chips. Pippin1: looks like K-MO is a multi reg cheat Dealer: #2175841534, K-MO wins 75 chips. Dealer: #2175841544, K-MO wins 3165 chips with Two Pairs, Aces and Sevens, Jack high. Pippin1: ul spurs SpurMan: ty. Pippin1: i wonder how many other accounts he's got? K-MO: plenty Dealer: #2175841554, giussy13 wins 90 chips. K-MO: gl pip Dealer: #2175841564, K-MO wins 5785 chips with A Straight, Jack high. K-MO: time 2 sit out Dealer: #2175841574, avongirl wins 240 chips. SpurMan: chicken

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Re: Most blatant admission of multiregging It's surprising BetFair don't pick up on it as they seem quite tight on this. As you know, Runadrum and I cannot play at the same table (one of us forced to sit out) even though we are on different PCs, but it presumably recognises we share the wireless connection. If he is multi-playing he at least cannot play 2 at once on same table. I did try to say this (well some of it!) in middle of the game but every time I tried he was all-in and you can't chat!!:@

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